Manage policy sets using the admin console



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Policy sets group security and other Web services settings into reusable units. Policy sets are assertions about how quality of services is defined. A policy set incorporates policy types, and their settings.

Policy sets can be used with JAX-WS applications that run on the Axis2 Web service engine. Policy sets cannot be used for JAX-RPC applications.

To manage policy sets, from the admin console...


Use the Application or System policy sets collection page to create, copy, delete, export, and import policy sets.

The following policy sets are ready for you to use as is....

Depending on the assigned security role when security is enabled, we might not have access to text entry fields or buttons to create or edit configuration data. Review the administrative roles documentation to learn more about the valid roles for the appserver.



Use these tasks, we can determine how to create a new policy set and verify whether we can reuse an existing policy set. We can configure a policy set, and define policies for that policy set.


Next steps

Depending on how we are using policy sets, we might want to revisit some of the tasks listed in this topic to set the configuration for the policy set. We can also proceed to configure bindings for the policy set. See Defining binding information for policy sets.



  1. View policy sets
  2. Create policy sets
  3. Modify policy sets
  4. Importing policy sets
  5. Exporting policy sets
  6. Delete policy sets
  7. Manage policies in a policy set
  8. Set policy set bindings
  9. Set policy set bindings
  10. Attach a policy set to a service artifact
  11. Application policy sets collection
  12. Application policy set settings
  13. Search attached applications collection
  14. Secure message parts
  15. Web services policy sets
  16. Overview of migrating policy sets and bindings
  17. View service providers at the cell level
  18. View the detail of a service provider and managing policy sets
  19. Use WS-Policy to exchange policies in a standard format
  20. Set application and system policy sets for Web services using scripting
  21. Create policy sets using wsadmin
  22. Create policy set attachments using wsadmin
  23. Remove policy set attachments using wsadmin
  24. Manage policy set attachments using wsadmin
  25. Task overview: Implementing Web services applications
  26. System policy set collection
  27. Service providers collection at the cell level
  28. Service provider settings
  29. Administrative roles