Learn about transactions
- Use the transaction service
- Develop components to use transactions
- Set transactional deployment descriptor attributes for EJB or Web modules
- Enable a session bean, servlet, or application client component to use bean-managed transactions
- Assemble applications for deployment (same as any application type)
- Use one-phase and two-phase commit resources in the same transaction
- Assemble an application to use one-phase and two-phase commit resources in the same transaction
- Deploy applications (same as any application)
- Use local transactions
- Set transaction properties for an appserver
- Manage active and prepared transactions
- Manage transaction logging for optimum server availability
- Interoperate transactionally between appservers
- Set an appserver to log heuristic reporting
- Learn about transaction service exceptions
The Samples Gallery offers:
- JTA extensions - Transaction tracker
A servlet that registers for synchronization callbacks when it is initialized. The servlet displays a table detailing every completed transaction on the server since registration. For the user's convenience, an option is provided to run a new transaction that can either be committed or rolled back.