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UDDI node collection

We can manage the UDDI nodes in this cell. Each UDDI node represents an individual UDDI registry application. A UDDI node is displayed in this list only if its underlying UDDI application is started. The status of the UDDI node can indicate whether the node is activated (available to accept API requests), deactivated (not allowing user requests), or not initialized. UDDI nodes that are not initialized require some properties to be set before they can be initialized and activated.

To view this admin console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes .


Identifier for the UDDI node.

To manage an individual UDDI node, click on the UDDI _node_id to display the UDDI node settings page, where we can manage its general properties, initialize it if the status is set to Initialization Pending, and access pages for managing policies, UDDI publishers, tiers and value sets.


Description of the UDDI node.

UDDI Application Location

Server in which the UDDI registry application is deployed and running.

For a cluster configuration, which includes several servers that all run the UDDI registry application, a single location is listed; this location might represent any of the active servers.


Status of the UDDI node.

The UDDI node can have one of the following statuses:

  • Not initialized

  • Initialization pending

  • Initialization in progress

  • Migration in progress

  • Migration pending
  • Value set creation in progress
  • Value set creation pending

  • Activated

  • Deactivated

If the status of a node is Initialization pending, initialize the node before we can activate it. If we attempt to initialize the node and it remains in a pending state, an error occurred during migration or initialization.

To activate UDDI nodes that are deactivated, select them using the corresponding check boxes and click Activate. Similarly, to deactivate UDDI nodes, select them and click Deactivate.

If we restart the UDDI application, or the appserver, the UDDI node is always reactivated, even if the node was previously deactivated.


UDDI node settings


Related tasks

Backing up and restoring the UDDI registry database
Migrate to V3 of the UDDI registry
Manage the UDDI registry



UDDI registry admin (JMX) interface


Related information

Administrative console buttons
Administrative console page features