Set the JAX-RPC client deployment descriptor for handler classes
Configure the JAX-RPC client deployment descriptor for user-provided handler classes.
we need an EAR file for the applications to configure. For some handler use, such as logging or tracing, only the server or client application needs to be configured. For other handler use, including sending information in SOAP headers, the client and server applications must be configured with symmetrical handlers.
The modules in the EAR file should contain the handler classes to configure. These classes implement the javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler interface. For more information on writing handler classes, see chapter 6 of the Web Services for Java EE spec and chapter 12 of the JAX-RPC specification. The application modules must contain the webservices.xml(for server) and the client deployment descriptors.
For a complete list of the supported standards and specifications, see the Web services specifications and API documentation.
Set a handler in the client deployment descriptor by following the steps provided:
- Start an assembly tool. Read about starting the assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.
- If we have not done so already, configure the assembly tool so that it works on Java EE modules. we need to make sure that the Java EE and Web categories are enabled. Read about configuring the assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.
- Migrate the WAR or JAR files that are created with the Assembly Toolkit, Application Assembly Tool (AAT) or a different tool to the Rational Application Developer assembly tool.
Read about importing WAR or JAR files using an assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.
- Set the client deployment descriptor. Read about creating Web services handlers in the Rational Application Developer documentation.
we have a client deployment descriptor configured.
Next steps
Test the Web services client. This task explains how to test an unmanaged client JAR file and an unmanaged client application.
Handler class properties with JAX-RPC
Example: Set handler classes for Web services deployment descriptors 
Related concepts
Assembly tools
Related tasks
Set the webservices.xml deployment descriptor for handler classes
Implementing JAX-RPC Web services clients
Web services specifications and APIs