Set messaging with scripting
Use these topics to learn about configuring messaging with wsadmin. Configure the message listener service, Java Messaging Service settings, queue and connection factories, and WebSphere MQ settings.
Use wsadmin to configure various messaging connections and settings.
- Set the message listener service.
The message listener service is an extension to the JMS functions of the JMS provider. It provides a listener manager that controls and monitors one or more JMS listeners, which each monitor a JMS destination on behalf of a deployed message-driven bean.
- Set JMS providers, destinations, and connections.
The appserver supports asynchronous messaging through the use of a JMS provider and its related messaging system. Use wsadmin to configure new JMS providers, destinations, and connections.
A JMS destination is used to configure the properties for the associated messaging provider. Connections to the JMS destination are created by the associated JMS connection factory. A JMS connection factory is used to create connections to the associated JMS provider of JMS destinations, for both point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging.
- Set queue and topic connection factories for the application server. Use queue and topic connection factories to create connections between providers and destinations. A queue connection factory creats a connection to the associated JMS provider of the JMS queue destinations, for point-to-point messaging. A topic connection factory creates a connection to the associated JMS provider of JMS topic destinations, for publish and subscribe messaging.
- Set WebSphere MQ settings. A WebSphere MQ server represents either a WebSphere MQ queue manager or a WebSphere MQ queue sharing group. It is used by Service Integration Bus messaging to define properties used for connecting to WebSphere MQ. Setting up a WebSphere MQ server involves using the admin console to create the server definition, add it to a service integration bus, and create a WebSphere MQ queue type destination.
Set the message listener service using scripting
Set new JMS providers using scripting
Set new JMS destinations using scripting
Set new JMS connections using scripting
Set new WebSphere queue connection factories using scripting
Set new WebSphere topic connection factories using scripting
Set new WebSphere queues using scripting
Set new WebSphere topics using scripting
Set a new connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting
Set a new queue connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting
Set a new topic connection factor for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting
Set a new queue for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting
Set a new topic for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting
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Use scripting (wsadmin)
Getting started with scripting