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Set a new topic connection factor for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using scripting

Use scripting to configure a new topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

We can also use the createWMQConnectionFactory to create a topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

Before starting this task, wsadmin must be running. See the Start wsadmin article for more information.

Perform the following steps to configure a topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider:


  1. Identify the parent ID:

    • Jacl...

      set newjmsp [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/ JMSProvider:JMSP1/]
    • Jython...

      newjmsp = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:myNode/ JMSProvider:JMSP1') print newjmsp

    For example...


  2. Get the required attributes:

    • Jacl...

      $AdminConfig required MQTopicConnectionFactory
    • Jython...

      print AdminConfig.required('MQTopicConnectionFactory')

    For example...

    attribute Type name String jndiName String

  3. Set up the required attributes:

    • Jacl...

      set name [list name MQTCF] set jndi [list jndiName jms/MQTCF] set mqtcfAttrs [list $name $jndi]

      For example...

      {name MQTCF} {jndiName jms/MQTCF}
    • Jython...

      name = ['name', 'MQTCF'] jndi = ['jndiName', 'jms/MQTCF'] mqtcfAttrs = [name, jndi] print mqtcfAttrs

      For example...

      [[name, MQTCF], [jndiName, jms/MQTCF]]

  4. Set up a template:

    • Jacl...

      set template [lindex [$AdminConfig listTemplates MQTopicConnectionFactory] 0]
    • Jython...

      import java lineseparator = java.lang.System.getProperty('line.separator') template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('MQTopicConnectionFactory'). split(lineseparator)[0] print template

    For example...

    Example non-XA WMQ TopicConnectionFactory(templates/ system: JMS-resource-provider-templates.xml #MQTopicConnectionFactory_5)

  5. Create a topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider:

    • Jacl...

      $AdminConfig createUsingTemplate MQTopicConnectionFactory $mqjmsp $mqtcfAttrs $template
    • Jython...

      print AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('MQTopicConnectionFactory', mqjmsp, mqtcfAttrs, template)

    For example...


  6. Save the configuration changes. See the Saving configuration changes with wsadmin article for more information.

  7. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node. See the Synchronizing nodes with wsadmin article for more information.



The following example creates a topic connection factory, specifying custom connection data.

Use Jython:

wsadmin>AdminTask.createWMQConnectionFactory('"WebSphere MQ JMS Provider (cells/EXAMPLECell01|resources.xml#builtin_mqprovider)"', ' [-type TCF -name MQTopicConnectionFactory1 -jndiName jms/MQTopicConnectionFactory1 -description -qmgrName QueueManagerName -wmqTransportType BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT -qmgrHostname HostName -qmgrSvrconnChannel ServerConnectionChannel ]')

The following example creates a topic connection factory, specifying CCDT connection data.


wsadmin>AdminTask.createWMQConnectionFactory('"WebSphere MQ JMS Provider (cells/EXAMPLECell01|resources.xml#builtin_mqprovider)"', ' [-type TCF -name MQTopicConnectionFactory2 -jndiName jms/MQTopicConnectionFactory2 -description -ccdtUrl http://ClientChannelDefinitionTableURL -ccdtQmgrName QueueManager ]')


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