Set an activation spec for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider



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To set the configuration of an activation specification for use with WebSphere MQ...

  1. In the navigation pane, click...

    Resources | JMS | Activation specifications

  2. Select the Scope setting.

  3. Select the name of the activation spec.

  4. Under General Properties make modifications as necessary.

    If this activation spec is used to connect to a queue manager or queue-sharing group on a WebSphere MQ for z/OS system, enter the value in the Provider version property. The activation spec must use this provider version value regardless of the version of WebSphere MQ for z/OS to which it connects. The Provider version property is in the Advanced section of the General Properties.

  5. Click Apply to save the configuration.

  6. Click Advanced properties.

  7. Click Broker properties.

  8. Click Custom properties.

  9. Click Client transport properties.

    This link is only present on the explicitly-defined variation of this panel, where you enter all information required to connect to WebSphere MQ. This link does not appear for the CCDT-based variation.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  12. To have the changed configuration take effect, stop then restart the appserver.


Related tasks

WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation spec settings
Create an activation spec for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using the Create Activation Specification wizard
Set custom properties for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
Migrate a listener port to an activation spec for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
Set JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider


