Route action settings
Configure settings for a route action for a proxy server. Add a route action to define routes to local file system resources for static file serving.
This page is for local route actions, fail route actions, redirect route actions, and appserver route actions. Some settings only apply to a specific type of route action. See the topic about generic server route actions for information about generic server route actions.
To view this admin console page ...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server_name > Proxy actions > action_name.
- Action name
User-defined symbolic name for a route action.
A route action name must be unique and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ / , : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.
- Static file document root: /home/action1 (local route action)
Root directory on the file system where static files are located. Click Edit to access the Proxy Settings page to set the static file document root for a proxy server or an individual proxy server virtual host.
Static file document root applies to local route actions only.
- Fail status code (fail route action)
Specifies the HTTP status code to send to the client indicating that the request failed. Possible values are integers with a value greater than zero.
Fail status code applies to fail route actions only.
- Redirect URL (redirect route action)
Specifies the URL to send to the client in a 302 redirect response.
Redirect URL applies to redirect route actions only.
- Time of day rules (appserver and generic server cluster routes
Specifies a time rule, which is typically used to configure a maintenance window. We can specify a start time and an end time to include or exclude routing to a particular cluster member.
Click New Time Mapping to access the Time Mapping settings page to specify a time interval for the time mapping. We can create, delete, or edit time mappings.
Table 1. Time mapping settings
Setting Description Time Start time and end time for the time mapping. Action If the action is set to include, then the server routes actions to the cluster members specified in the time mapping. If the action is set to exclude, the server does not route actions to the specified cluster members during this time interval.