Replacing an existing self-signed certificate
Occasionally, we need to replace an existing or expired self-signed certificate with a new certificate. Certificates are referenced in the runtime configuration by the SSL Configuration object and the Dynamic SSL Configuration Selection object. We can replace a certificate with a new certificate alias reference or with a new signer certificate.
The current certificate and the certificate replacement must exist in the same keystore before we can replace a certificate. Alternative Method: To replace a self-signed certificate by using wsadmin, use the replaceCertificate command of AdminTask. For more information, see PersonalCertificateCommands.
Complete the following steps in the admin console:
- Click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration > Key stores and certificates > [keystore ].
- Under Additional Properties, click Personal certificates.
- Select the certificate to be replaced. The alias list must include the certificate to be replaced and the certificate to replace it with.
- Click Replace.
- Select a replacement certificate alias from the list.
- We can delete one of the following types of certificates:
- Select Delete old certificate to delete the existing or expired certificate.
- Select Delete old signers to delete the existing signer certificates.
- Click Apply.
Your results depend on what you selected:
- If we selected Delete old certificate, the new certificate alias replaces all of the references to the certificate alias in the configuration.
- If we selected Delete old signers, the new signer certificate replaces all of the occurrences of the old signer certificates.
- If the new certificate alias replaces the existing alias, the WAS runtime checks to make sure that:
- All of the SSL Configurations objects reference the certificate
- The Dynamic SSL Configuration Selections objects and the SSL Configuration group objects reference the certificate.
- If we selected Delete old signers, the existing signer certificates are replaced.
- If we selected Delete old certificate, the existing certificate is deleted.
SSL configurations
Dynamic outbound selection of SSL configurations
Keystore configurations for SSL