Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure security with wsadmin. The commands and parameters in the PersonalCertificateCommands group can be used to create and manage personal or signer certificates.
The PersonalCertificateCommands includes the following commands:
- createChainedCertificate
- createSelfSignedCertificate
- deleteCertificate
- exportCertificate
- exportCertToManagedKS
- extractCertificate
- getCertificate
- getCertificateChain
- importCertificate
- importCertFromManagedKS
- listPersonalCertificates
- queryCACertificate
- receiveCertificate
- renewCertificate
- replaceCertificate
- requestCACertificate
- revokeCACertificate
The createChainedCertificate command creates a new self-signed certificate and stores the certificate in a keystore.To use the IBMi5OSKeyStore key store, verify that the signer for each part of the chain exists in the keystore before creating the new certificate. You must import the signer into the IBMi5OSKeyStore keystore before creating the new certificate.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- Name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- Name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
- -certificateSize
- Size of the certificate. (Integer, required)
- -certificateCommonName
- Common name of the certificate. (String, required)
- -certificateOrganization
- Organization of the certificate. (String, optional)
Optional parameters
- -rootCertificateAlias
- Specifies a unique name to identify the root certificated to use for signing. The default root certificate alias is root. (String, optional)
- -certificateVersion
- Version of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -keyStoreScope
- Scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganization
- Organization of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganizationalUnit
- Organizational unit of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateLocality
- Locality of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateState
- State of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateZip
- Specifies the zip code of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateCountry
- Country of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateValidDays
- Amount of time in days for which the certificate is valid. (Integer, optional)
Return value The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createChainedCertificate('-keyStoreName myKeystore -certificateAlias newCertificate -certificateSize 10 -certificateCommonName localhost -certificateOrganization ibm')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createChainedCertificate('-keyStoreName', 'myKeystore', '-certificateAlias', 'newCertificate', '-certificateSize', '10', '-certificateCommonName', 'localhost', '-certificateOrganization', 'ibm')
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The createSelfSignedCertificate command creates a self-signed personal certificate in a keystore.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
- -certificateVersion
- The version of the certificate. (String, required)
- -certificateSize
- The size of the certificate. (Integer, required)
- -certificateCommonName
- The common name of the certificate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganization
- The organization of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganizationalUnit
- The organizational unit of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateLocality
- The locality of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateState
- The state of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateZip
- The zip code of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateCountry
- The country of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateValidDays
- The amount of time in days for which the certificate is valid. (Integer, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask createSelfSignedCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateAlias default -certificateCommonName localhost -certificateOrganization ibm}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createSelfSignedCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateAlias default -certificateCommonName localhost -certificateOrganization ibm]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createSelfSignedCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateAlias', 'default', '-certificateCommonName', 'localhost', '-certificateOrganization', 'ibm'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The deleteCertificate command deletes a personal certificate from a keystore. The command saves a copy of the certificate in the delete keystore.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The exportCertificate command exports a personal certificate from one keystore to another.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -keyStorePassword
- The password to the keystore. (String, required)
- -keyFilePath
- The full path to a keystore file that is located in a file system. The store from where a certificate will be imported or exported. (String, required)
- -keyFilePassword
- The password to the keystore file. (String, required)
- -keyFileType
- The type of the key file. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
- -aliasInKeyStore
- (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The exportCertToManagedKS command exports a personal certificate to a managed keystore in the configuration.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- Name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -keyStorePassword
- The password to the keystore. (String, required)
- -toKeyStoreName
- Unique name of the keystore to export the certificate to. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- Alias of the certificate of interest. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Specifies the keystore of the certificate of interest. (String, optional)
- -toKeyStoreScope
- Scope of the keystore to export to. (String, optional)
- -aliasInKeyStore
- Alias that identifies the certificate in the keystore. (String, optional)
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.exportCertificateToManagedKS('-keyStoreName myKS -keyStorePassword myKSpw -toKeyStoreName myKS2 -certificateAlias testingKeyStore')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.exportCertificateToManagedKS(['-keyStoreName', 'myKS', '-keyStorePassword', 'myKSpw', '-toKeyStoreName', 'myKS2', '-certificateAlias', 'testingKeyStore'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The extractCertificate command extracts the signer part of a personal certificate to a certificate file. The certificate in the file can later be added to a keystore to establish trust.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
- -certificateFilePath
- The full path of the request file that contains the certificate. (String, required)
- -base64Encoded
- Set the value of this parameter to true if the certificate is a Base64 encoded ASCII file type. Set the value of this parameter to false if the certificate is binary. (Boolean, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask extractCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath c:\temp\CertFile.arm -certificateAlias testCertificate}
[AIX] [HP-UX] [AIX] [Linux] [Solaris]
$AdminTask extractCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath /temp/CertFile.arm -certificateAlias testCertificate}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.extractCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath c:\temp\CertFile.arm -certificateAlias testCertificate]')
[AIX] [HP-UX] [AIX] [Linux] [Solaris]
AdminTask.extractCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath /temp/CertFile.arm -certificateAlias testCertificate]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.extractCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateFilePath', 'c:\temp\CertFile.arm', '-certificateAlias', 'testCertificate'])
[AIX] [HP-UX] [AIX] [Linux] [Solaris]
AdminTask.extractCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateFilePath', '/temp/CertFile.arm', '-certificateAlias', 'testCertificate'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The getCertificate command obtains information about a particular personal certificate in a keystore. If the certificate of interest was created with the requestCACertificate command, the certificate can be in the COMPLETE or REVOKED state.
Certificate requests can be in the PENDING state. Use the getCertificateRequest command to determine if a certificate request is in the PENDING state.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output The command returns information about the certificate request.
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The getCertificateChain command queries the configuration for information about each personal certificate in a certificate chain.
Target object
Required parameters and return values
- -keyStoreName
- Name of the keystore object that stores the CA certificate. Use the listKeyStores command to display a list of available keystores. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- Unique alias of the certificate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Management scope of the keystore. For a dmgr profile, the default value is the cell scope. For an appserver profile, the default value is the node scope. (String, optional)
Example output
The command returns an array of attribute lists that contain configuration information for each certificate in a chain.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask getCertificateChain {-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getCertificateChain('-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getCertificateChain(['-certificateAlias', 'newCertificate', '-keyStoreName', 'CellDefaultKeyStore'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The importCertificate command imports a personal certificate from a keystore.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -keyFilePath
- The full path to a keystore file that is located in a file system. The store from where a certificate will be imported or exported. (String, required)
- -keyFilePassword
- The password to the keystore file. (String, required)
- -keyFileType
- The type of the key file. (String, required)
- -certificateAliasFromKeyFile
- The certificate alias in the key file from which the certificate is being imported. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The importCertFromManagedKS command imports a personal certificate from a managed keystore in the configuration.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- Name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -fromKeyStoreName
- Name that uniquely identifies the keystore from which the system imports the certificate. (String, required)
- -fromKeyStorePassword
- Password for the keystore from which the system imports the certificate. (String, required)
- -certificateAliasFromKeyStore
- Alias of the certificate in the keystore. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Scope of the keystore to import the certificate to. (String, optional)
- -fromKeyStoreScope
- Scope of the keystore to import the certificate from. (String, optional)
- -certificateAlias
- Alias of the certificate for the destination keystore. (String, optional)
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.importCertFromManagedKS('-keyStoreName myKeystore -fromKeyStoreName oldKeystore -fromKeyStorePassword my122password -certificateAliasFromKeyStore myCertificate')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.importCertFromManagedKS('-keyStoreName', 'myKeystore', '-fromKeyStoreName', 'oldKeystore', '-fromKeyStorePassword', 'my122password', '-certificateAliasFromKeyStore', 'myCertificate')
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The listPersonalCertificates command lists the personal certificates in a particular keystore.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output
The command returns a list of attributes for each personal certificate in a keystore.
Batch mode example usage:
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listPersonalCertificates('-keyStoreName myKS')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.listPersonalCertificates(['-keyStoreName', 'myKS'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The queryCACertificate command queries the configuration to determine if the CA has completed the certificate. If the CA returns a personal certificate, then the system marks the certificate as COMPLETE. Otherwise, it remains marked as PENDING.
Target object
Required parameters and return values
- -keyStoreName
- Name of the keystore object that stores the CA certificate. Use the listKeyStores command to display a list of available keystores. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- Unique alias of the certificate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Management scope of the keystore. For a dmgr profile, the default value is the cell scope. For an appserver profile, the default value is the node scope. (String, optional)
Example output
The command returns one of two values: Certificate COMPLETE or certificate PENDING. If the command returns the Certificate COMPLETE message, the certificate authority returned the requested certificate and the default personal certificate is replaced. If the command returns the certificate PENDING message, the certificate authority did not yet return a certificate.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask queryCACertificate {-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.queryCACertificate('-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.queryCACertificate(['-certificateAlias', 'newCertificate', '-keyStoreName', 'CellDefaultKeyStore'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The receiveCertificate command receives a signer certificate from a file to a personal certificate.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
- -certificateFilePath
- The full path of the file that contains the certificate. (String, required)
- -base64Encoded
- Set the value of this parameter to true if the certificate is ascii base 64 encoded. Set the value of this parameter to false if the certificate is binary. (Boolean, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask receiveCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath c:\temp\CertFile.arm}
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]
$AdminTask receiveCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath /temp/CertFile.arm}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.receiveCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath c:\temp\CertFile.arm]')
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]
AdminTask.receiveCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateFilePath /temp/CertFile.arm]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.receiveCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateFilePath', 'c:\temp\CertFile.arm'])
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]
AdminTask.receiveCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateFilePath', '/temp/CertFile.arm'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The renewCertificate command renews a certificate with a new generated certificate.
Target object
Required parameters
- -keyStoreName
- Unique name that identifies the keystore. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- Unique name that identifies the certificate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Scope of the keystore. (String, optional)
- -deleteOldSigners
- Specifies whether to delete the old signers that are associated with the old certificate. Specify false to retain the old signers. (Boolean, optional)
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.renewCertificate('-keyStoreName myKS -certificateAlias testCertificate')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.renewCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'myKS', '-certificateAlias', 'testCertificate'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The replaceCertificate command replaces a personal certificate with another personal certificate. The command finds each reference to the old certificate alias in the configuration and replaces the alias with the new one. The command also replaces each signer certificate from the old personal certificate with the signer from the new personal certificate.
Target object
Required parameters and return values
- -keyStoreName
- The name that uniquely identifies the keystore configuration object. (String, required)
- -certificateAlias
- The name that uniquely identifies the certificate request in a keystore. (String, required)
- -replacementCertificateAlias
- The alias of the certificate used to replace a different certificate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- The scope name of the keystore. (String, optional)
- -deleteOldCert
- Set the value of this parameter to true to delete the old signer certificates during certificate replacement. Otherwise, set the value of this parameter to false. (Boolean, optional)
- -deleteOldSigners
- Set the value of this parameter to true to delete the old certificates during certificate replacement. Otherwise, set the value of this parameter to false. (Boolean, optional)
Example output The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask replaceCertificate {-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateAlias default -replacementCertificateAlias replaceCert -deleteOldCert true -deleteOldSigners true}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.replaceCertificate('[-keyStoreName testKeyStore -certificateAlias default -replacementCertificateAlias replaceCert -deleteOldCert true -deleteOldSigners true]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.replaceCertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'testKeyStore', '-certificateAlias', 'default', '-replacementCertificateAlias', 'replaceCert', '-deleteOldCert', 'true', '-deleteOldSigners', 'true'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The requestCACertificate command creates a certificate request and sends the request to a certificate authority (CA). If the certificate authority returns a personal certificate, then the returned certificate replaces the certificate request in the keystore. The command also works with a preexisting certificate request created with the createCertificateRequest command. When the CA returns a personal certificate, the system marks the certificate as COMPLETE and the command returns a message stating that the certificate is complete. If the CA does not return a personal certificate, then the system marks the certificate request as PENDING and the command returns a message stating that the certificate is PENDING.
To use the IBMi5OSKeyStore key store, verify that the signer for each part of the chain exists in the keystore before creating the new certificate. You must import the signer into the IBMi5OSKeyStore keystore before creating the new certificate.
Target object
Required parameters and return values
- -certificateAlias
- Alias of the certificate. We can specify a predefined certificate request. (String, required)
- -keyStoreName
- Name of the keystore object that stores the CA certificate. Use the listKeyStores command to display a list of available keystores. (String, required)
- -caClientName
- Name of the CA client that was used to create the CA certificate. (String, required)
- -revocationPassword
- Password to use to revoke the certificate at a later date. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Management scope of the keystore. For a dmgr profile, the default value is the cell scope. For an appserver profile, the default value is the node scope. (String, optional)
- -caClientScope
- Management scope of the CA client. For a dmgr profile, the default value is the cell scope. For an appserver profile, the default value is the node scope. (String, optional)
- -certificateCommonName
- Common name (CN) part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. This common name can represent a person, company, or machine. For Web sites, the common name is frequently the DNS host name where the server resides. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganization
- Organization part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateOrganizationalUnity
- Organization unit part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateLocality
- Locality part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateState
- State part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateZip
- Specifies the zip code part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateCountry
- Country part of the full distinguished name (DN) of the certificate. (String, optional)
- -certificateSize
- Size of the certificate key. The valid values are 512, 1024, and 2048. The default value is 1024. (String, optional)
Example output
The command returns one of two values: Certificate COMPLETE or certificate PENDING.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask requestCACertificate {-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore -CAClientName myCAClient -revocationPassword revokeCApw}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.requestCACertificate('-certificateAlias newCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore -CAClientName myCAClient -revocationPassword revokeCApw')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.requestCACertificate(['-certificateAlias','newCertificate','-keyStoreName', 'CellDefaultKeyStore','-CAClientName','myCAClient','-revocationPassword', 'revokeCApw'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
The revokeCACertificate command sends a request to the CA to revoke the CA personal certificate of interest.
Target object
Required parameters and return values
- -certificateAlias
- Unique name that identifies the CA personal certificate object and the alias name of the certificate in the keystore. (String, required)
- -keyStoreName
- Name of the keystore where the CA personal certificate is stored. (String, required)
- -revocationPassword
- Password needed to revoke the certificate. This is the same password that was provided when the certificate was created. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -keyStoreScope
- Management scope of the keystore. For a dmgr profile, the default value is the cell scope. For an appserver profile, the default value is the node scope. (String, optional)
- -revocationReason
- Reason for revoking the certificate of interest. The default value for this parameter is unspecified. (String, optional)
Example output The command does not return output. Use the getCertificate command to view the current status of the certificate, as the following example displays:
AdminTask.getCertificate('-certificateAlias myCertificate -keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore')Examples
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl...
$AdminTask revokeCACertificate {-keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore -certificateAlias myCertificate -revocationPassword pw4revoke}- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.revokeCACertificate('[-keyStoreName CellDefaultKeyStore -certificateAlias myCertificate -revocationPassword pw4revoke]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.revokeCACertificate(['-keyStoreName', 'CellDefaultKeyStore', '-certificateAlias', 'myCertificate', '-revocationPassword', 'pw4revoke'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jython...
Related tasks
Create self-signed certificates using scripting
Add a signer certificate to a keystore
Use AdminTask for scripted administration
Set security with scripting