Message-driven beans - JCA components



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Components for a JCA resource adapter

When a resource adapter is installed, it provides definitions and classes for administered objects such as activation specifications. The administrator creates and configures activation specifications with JNDI names that are then available for applications to use.

The JCA resource adapter uses an activation specification to configure a specific endpoint. Each application that configures one or more endpoints must specify the resource adapter that sends messages to the endpoint

The application uses the activation specification to provide the configuration properties related to the processing of inbound messages.


JMS components used with a JCA messaging provider

MDBs that implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface can be used for JMS messaging.

An application that uses JMS messaging needs access at runtime to configured objects such as connection factories and destinations.

When the JMS provider is the default JMS provider or the WebSphere MQ messaging provider, the administrator configures these objects for the JMS provider. For example, to configure a JMS activation spec for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider, in the WAS admin console navigate to...

Resources | JMS | Activation specifications

Otherwise the administrator configures these objects for the JMS resource adapter, which connects the application to a JMS provider, by navigating to...

Resources | Resource Adaptors

If the application contains one or more MDBs, the administrator must configure either...

For JCA-compliant messaging providers, the administrator usually configures an activation specification. But for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider there is a choice; the administrator can configure an activation spec or, for compatibility with previous versions of WAS, the administrator can configure a message listener port.

The JMS activation specification provides the deployer with information about the configuration properties of an MDB related to the processing of the inbound messages. For example, a JMS activation spec specifies...

The activation spec identifies a JMS destination by specifying its JNDI name. The MDB acts as a listener on a specific JMS destination.

The JMS destination refers to a service integration bus destination (or WebSphere MQ destination) that the administrator must also configure.


Related concepts

JMS components on V5 nodes
J2C activation spec configuration and use
Types of messaging provider
Message-driven beans - listener port components
Message-driven beans - automatic message retrieval


Related tasks

Learn about default messaging
Set JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
Create an activation spec for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider using the Create Activation Specification wizard
Set an activation spec for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider



Activation spec collection
JMS activation specification [Settings]