Create policy sets using the admin console
Use the admin console to either create a policy set by specifying all the necessary information or by copying an existing policy set that you rename. Use policy sets, or assertions that define services, to simplify the Web services configuration because policy sets group security and other Web services settings into reusable units.
To create a new policy set, we can either specify the information to create a new policy set or we can copy and rename an existing policy set. Using either method, we need basic information about the policy set to create, such as the name, description, policies to include, policy details, attachments, and binding configurations. If creating a policy set by copying an existing policy set, then you should also view the existing policy sets to choose one with properties that are most similar to the one you plan to create.
Whether you choose to create a new policy set or copy and rename an existing one, start from the Applications policy sets collection in the admin console.
Create or copy policy sets
- From the admin console, click...
Services | Policy sets | Application policy sets
Services | Policy sets | System policy sets.
- If the policy set we are creating is:
- ...a new policy set, then click New.
- existing policy set to be copied and renamed, click the Select box beside the name of the policy set to be copied in the Name column and click Copy.
Using either method, this action opens the Policy set settings view to specify the required information about the policy set being created or copied.
- Enter the name of the policy set to create or copy in the Name field.
- Enter a brief description of the policy set in the Description field.
This is the description that displays in the Application policy sets or the System policy set collection, so it must be meaningful to you and other potential users of this policy set.
If we created a new policy set, it does not contain policies to edit until you add them to the policy set. The policy set is initially empty.
When you add policies to a policy set, the policies are set to their default values. We can then edit the policies to modify any attribute values that need to be changed and save the settings.
Next steps
If creating a new policy set without copying an existing policy set, we need to specify the policy information. If copying an existing policy set, we can either accept the default policies associated with the policy set or we can change the policies. 
Related concepts
WS-I RSP default policy sets
SecureConversation default policy sets
WS-ReliableMessaging default policy sets
WSAddressing default policy set
WS-Security default policy sets
WSTransaction default policy sets
WSHTTPS default policy set
Copy of default policy set and bindings settings
Web Services Addressing support
Web services policy sets
Web services policies
Modify policy sets
Delete policy sets
Manage policies in a policy set
Create policy sets using wsadmin
Create policy set attachments using wsadmin
Remove policy set attachments using wsadmin
Manage policy set attachments using wsadmin
Manage policy sets
Application policy sets collection
Application policy set settings