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List JMS resources for a third-party messaging provider

Use the WAS admin console to list JMS resources provided by a messaging provider other than the default messaging provider, the WebSphere MQ messaging provider or the V5 default messaging provider.

This page assumes that we have installed a third-party messaging provider.

You use the WAS admin console to list JMS resources, to view, modify or delete any of the following resources:

When you use the admin console to locate these resources, two different navigation pathways are available:

Use either of these navigation pathways to locate JMS resources of any type.




We can now view and work with the resource's properties.


Related tasks

Define a third-party messaging provider
Set JMS resources for a third-party messaging provider
Manage messaging with a third-party messaging provider



JMS provider settings
JMS providers collection
Connection factory collection
Queue connection factory collection
Topic connection factory collection
Queue collection
Topic collection