Manage messaging with a third-party non-JCA messaging provider

Configure WAS to use a third-party non-JCA messaging provider. We might want to do this, for example, if we have existing investments. Configure any third-party non-JCA messaging provider that supports the JMS V1.1 unified connection factory.

For messaging between appservers, perhaps with some interaction with a WebSphere MQ system, we can use the default messaging provider. To integrate WAS messaging into a predominately WebSphere MQ network, we can use the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. We can also use a third-party messaging provider as described in this topic. To choose the provider that is best suited to the needs, see Choose a messaging provider.

To work with message-driven beans, the third-party non-JCA messaging provider must include Application Server Facility (ASF), an optional feature that is part of the JMS V1.1 specification.

To administer a third-party non-JCA messaging provider, you use the client that is supplied by the third party. You use the admin console to administer the connection factories and destinations that are within WAS, but we cannot use the admin console to administer the JMS provider itself, or any of its resources that are outside of WAS.

In a mixed-version WAS dmgr cell, we can administer third-party messaging resources on V7, V6 and V5 nodes. For V5 nodes, the admin console presents the subset of resources and properties that are applicable to WAS V5.