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Define a third-party messaging provider

Use this task to define a third-party messaging provider to WAS; that is a messaging provider other than the default messaging provider, the WebSphere MQ messaging provider or the V5 default messaging provider.

Before you configure a third-party messaging provider, you might want to check whether the requirement can be met by the default messaging provider or the WebSphere MQ messaging provider that are supplied with WAS. To choose the provider that is best suited to the needs, see Choose a messaging provider.

Configure any third-party messaging provider that supports the JMS V1.1 unified connection factory. We might want to do this, for example, because of existing investments.

To administer a third-party messaging provider, you use the resource adaptor or client supplied by the third-party. We can still use the WAS admin console to administer the JMS connection factories and destinations that are within WAS, but we cannot use the admin console to administer the JMS provider itself, or any of its resources that are outside of WAS.

To use message-driven beans (MDBs), third-party messaging providers must include Application Server Facility (ASF), an optional feature that is part of the JMS V1.1 specification, or use an inbound resource adapter that conforms to the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) V1.5 specification.


  1. Start the admin console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Resources > JMS > JMS providers .

    The existing messaging providers are displayed, including the default messaging provider and the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

  3. To define a new third-party messaging provider, click New in the content pane. Otherwise, to change the definition of an existing messaging provider, click the name of the provider.

  4. Specify the following required properties.


    The name by which this messaging provider is known for administrative purposes within IBM WAS.

    External initial context factory

    The Java classname of the initial context factory for the JMS provider.

    External provider URL

    The JMS provider URL for external JNDI lookups.

  5. Click Apply.

    This enables you to specify additional properties.

  6. Specify other properties for the messaging provider.

    Under Additional Properties, we can use the Custom Properties link to specify custom properties for the initial context factory, in the form of standard javax.naming properties.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  9. To have the changed configuration take effect, stop then restart the appserver.


Next steps

We can now Set JMS resources for a third-party messaging provider.configure JMS resources for the messaging provider,


Related tasks

Listing JMS resources for a third-party messaging provider
Set JMS resources for a third-party messaging provider
Manage messaging with a third-party messaging provider



JMS provider settings