Learn about internationalization
- Globalize applications
- Internationalize interface strings (localizable-text API)
- Internationalize application components (internationalization service)
- Use the internationalization context API
- Assemble internationalized applications
- Deploy applications (same as any application type)
- Administer the internationalization service
- Enable the internationalization service for servlets and enterprise beans
- Enable the internationalization service for EJB clients
- Learn about internationalization service errors
Conceptual overviews
- Globalization
The Samples Gallery offers:
- Internationalization service currency exchange sample
The Currency exchange application exchanges U.S. dollars to foreign currencies, or vice versa, and illustrates the use of the Internationalization service in performing server-side localizations that are sensitive to client-side locale information. The Internationalization service manages the propagation of locale and time zone information, collectively referred to as Internationalization context, between client and server application components. Within server components, Currency exchange uses internationalization context with the JSE Internationalization API to perform localizations, such as resource isolation, collation, and message formatting.