External cache group member settings
To define a single cache that is controlled by WAS.
To view this admin console page ...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > myserver > Container services > Dynamic cache service > External cache groups > external_cache_group > External cache group members > external_cache_group_member.
- Advanced Fast Path Architecture adapter bean name
Adapter bean name.
- Adapter bean name: specifies the adapter bean name. For example, we can use a bean name such as com.ibm.ws.cache.servlet.Afpa.
- Address: specifies the port on which AFPA listens.
- Edge Side Include (ESI)
Adapter bean name.
- Adapter bean name: specifies the adapter bean name. For example, we can use a bean name such as com.ibm.websphere.servlet.cache.ESIInvalidatorServlet.
- Address: local host
- IBM Web Traffic Express (IBM WebSphere Edge Server)
Adapter bean name.
- Adapter bean name: specifies the adapter bean name. For example, we can use a bean name such as com.ibm.websphere.edge.dynacache.WteAdapter.
- Address: hostname:port (host name and port on which WTE is listening).
Related tasks
Task overview: Using the dynamic cache service to improve performance
External cache group member settings
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