Enable static routing for a cluster
If the high availability infrastructure is disabled and we require IIOP routing capabilities, we can create a static routing table for the members of a cluster to use to handle enterprise bean requests. Because the information contained in this static routing table does not account for server runtime state, delete this table and return to using the dynamic routing table as soon as the high availability infrastructure is enabled.
Before you create a static route table, ensure that:
- The ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port is set to a non-zero value on each of the cluster members.
Because the route table you create is static, and the cluster members do not communicate during state changes, if we do not set the ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port on each of the cluster members, the cluster members might restart on different ports, and IIOP requests will not be routed correctly.
To change the value specified for ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS:
Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | server_name | Communications | Ports | ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS
Change the value specified for the Port field to a value that is greater than 0.
- Each cluster member is started and can use these new non-zero ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port values to correctly route IIOP requests.
Create a static route table
- Use wsadmin to run...
### Jacl...
### Identify the MBean for the cluster for which
### we are creating the route table.
cluster = AdminControl.completeObjectName('cell=cname,type=Cluster,name=clname,*')
print cluster
### Export the route table.
$AdminControl invoke $cluster exportRouteTable
### After the table is created, the name of the route table file is displayed
### /IBM/WAS7/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/mycell/clusters/cluster1/cluster1.wsrttbl
### Synchronize the configuration changes across nodes.
set Sync1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=NodeSync,node=myNodeName,*]
### Clear the configuration repository Epoch.
set configRepository [$AdminControl completeObjectName node=node_name,type=ConfigRepository,*]
$AdminControl invoke $configRepository refreshRepositoryEpochJython...
set cluster [$AdminControl completeObjectName cell=cname,type=Cluster,name=clname,*]
puts $cluster
AdminControl.invoke(cluster, 'exportRouteTable')
Sync1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=NodeSync,node=myNodeName,*')
configRepository = AdminControl.completeObjectName('node=node_name, type=ConfigRepository,*')
AdminControl.invoke(configRepository, 'refreshRepositoryEpoch')- Repeat this process for each node to synchronize.
- Stop the cluster.
- Exit wsadmin.
- Run startServer with debug to manually start each member of the cluster.
-Dcom.ibm.websphere.management.registerServerIORWithLSD=falseFor example
startServer.sh server1 -Dcom.ibm.websphere.management.registerServerIORWithLSD=false
Related tasks
Disable static routing for a cluster
Save configuration changes with wsadmin
Synchronize nodes with wsadmin
Start the wsadmin scripting client
Stop clusters
Stop clusters using scripting
Create clusters
Java virtual machine custom properties 
Related information
Starting clusters
Starting clusters using scripting