Disable Web Services Addressing support
The Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) support provides mechanisms to address Web services and provide addressing information in messages. WS-Addressing support is disabled by default on clients. The method for disabling WS-Addressing support on servers depends on whether the application is based on JAX-RPC or JAX-WS. You do not have to disable WS-Addressing support even if the application does not require it, because in most cases WS-Addressing support does not have a negative impact on the running of applications. For JAX-RPC applications, disabling WS-Addressing support can be risky as this action also disables support for other specifications such as Web Services Atomic Transactions.
- To disable WS-Addressing support for JAX-WS service providers, use both the Addressing and SubmissionAddressing annotations in the service code, with the enabled parameter set to false. For example:
import javax.xml.ws.soap.Addressing; @Addressing(enabled="false") @SubmissionAddressing(enabled="false") @WebService(...)- You do not have to take any action to disable WS-Addressing support for JAX-WS clients, because WS-Addressing support is disabled by default. However, we can programmatically specify that WS-Addressing is disabled by using both the AddressingFeature and SubmissionAddressingFeature classes in the client code, with the enabled parameter set to false. For example:
AddressingFeature feat = new AddressingFeature(false); SubmissionAddressingFeature feat = new AddressingFeature(false);- To disable WS-Addressing support for JAX-RPC service providers or clients, set the com.ibm.ws.wsaddressingAndDependentsDisabled system property to true. For example:
java -Dcom.ibm.ws.wsaddressingAndDependentsDisabled=true ... application_nameUse this property with care because applications might require WS-Addressing message addressing properties to function correctly. Setting this property also disables support for the following specifications, which depend on the WS-Addressing support: Web Services Atomic Transactions, Web Services Business Agreement, Web Services Notification and Web Services Reliable Messaging.
By completing this task, you disabled the WS-Addressing support. Disabling WS-Addressing on clients prevents WAS sending WS-Addressing message addressing properties in the SOAP header of outbound Web service messages. Disabling WS-Addressing on servers additionally prevents WAS processing WS-Addressing MAPs in incoming SOAP headers.
Related concepts
Web Services Addressing annotations
Related tasks
Enable Web Services Addressing support for JAX-WS applications
Develop applications that use Web Services Addressing