Enable Web Services Addressing support for JAX-WS applications



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New feature: WAS v7.0 allows you to use JAX-WS 2.1 annotations to enable WS-Addressing from either the server or the client.

We can specify whether WS-Addressing is enabled and whether to use synchronous and/or asynchronous.

Perform this task to enable the WS-Addressing support, either as a service provider or as a client of a service provided by another party.

This task also describes how to disable the WS-Addressing support, which can improve performance for those applications that do not use WS-Addressing or any protocol that depends on the WS-Addressing support.

For service providers, WS-Addressing support is enabled by default, so you do not have to perform any actions to enable support. However, we can use the enabling mechanisms to modify other WS-Addressing behavior for the service, such as whether WS-Addressing information is required, and what is included in the generated WSDL document.

For service clients, WS-Addressing support is disabled by default. Use one of the following methods to enable WS-Addressing support:

The behavior of the WS-Addressing support is summarized in the following paragraphs. WAS clients add WS-Addressing headers to messages in the following situations:

If a client does not include WS-Addressing headers in messages, the server generates a fault message in the following situations:



  • On WAS clients, we can also enable WS-Addressing support by setting the property...


    ...on the client request context.



    WS-Addressing properties are now included in the SOAP message header, and are processed by the server on receipt of the message.


    Related tasks

    Enable Web Services Addressing support for JAX-RPC applications
    Manage policy sets
    Set the WS-Addressing policy
    Attach a policy set to a service artifact
    Set a service provider to share its policy configuration
    Set the client.policy using a service provider policy
    Invoking JAX-WS Web services asynchronously
    Develop applications that use Web Services Addressing



    IBM proprietary Web Services Addressing SPIs