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Custom property settings

To configure arbitrary name-value pairs of data, where the name is a property key and the value is a string value that can be used to set internal system configuration properties. Defining a new property enables you to configure a setting beyond that which is available in the admin console.

Deprecated feature: Setting custom properties at the server level is deprecated. However, we can specify a custom property for a server or the dmgr as a WebSphere variable. Server scoped WebSphere variables still override any settings specified at the node scope, or higher, and are added to the was.env file.depfeat

To set a custom properties for either the dmgr, or an application server, as an environment variable, in the admin console, click Environment > WebSphere variables. We can then select the dmgr or appropriate server from the pull-down list of available servers, nodes and cells and click New to create a new custom property, click on the name of an existing property to change the settings of that custom property, or click Delete to delete an existing property.


Name (or key) for the property.

Each property name must be unique. If the same name is used for multiple properties, the value specified for the first property is used.

Do not start the property names with was. because this prefix is reserved for properties that are predefined in WAS ND.

Data type String


Value paired with the specified name.

Data type String


Provides information about the name and value pair.

Data type String


Related tasks

Manage appservers



Java™ virtual machine custom properties