Configure general binding settings
To configure client or provider policy set binding or configure an existing general binding...Services | Policy sets | General client policy set bindings | New
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Services | Policy sets | General provider policy set bindings | New
Empty bindings will be deleted. Scoping a binding to a security domain constrains the configuration options to those applicable to that domain and limits use of the binding to the specified domain.
Depending on the assigned security role when security is enabled, we might not have access to text entry fields or buttons to create or edit configuration data.
- Bindings configuration name
Name of the new binding configuration.
You must enter a binding configuration name to proceed. The name of the binding is automatically applied when you add a policy type and provide additional configuration information. At that time, the initial Cancel button is replaced with an OK button. Each binding that you add is initially empty, and we are directed to the binding configuration panel to provide additional information for the binding.
Button Resulting Action Add Adds a policy type, such as WS-Security, to a new binding created or to an existing binding. We can access the configuration of each policy type binding through the policy type name link. If we click Cancel without providing any configuration information for the policy type, that policy type is not saved or included in the list of policy types. We might receive an attention message that the policy type was not saved as part of the binding configuration. Delete Deletes a policy type from the list. OK Associates the name of the binding to the policy type information after you add a policy type and provide additional configuration information. Cancel Returns you to the General client or provider policy set bindings panel without creating a new binding configuration.
- Security domain
This field is only available in a multiple security domain environment and specifies a valid security domain. We can scope the binding to that particular security domain, which is scoped to the global security domain by default.
- Description
Specifies a brief description of the new client or provider policy set binding.
Related tasks
Set policy set bindings
Import policy set bindings
Delete policy set bindings
Set service client or provider bindings
Export policy sets bindings settings
Copy policy set binding settings
Administrative roles