Core groups (high availability domains)



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A core group is a high availability domain that consists of a set of processes in the same cell.

A cell must contain at least one core group. Multiple core groups are supported. Each core group contains...


Core group members

Core group members include...

When a process is created it is automatically added to a core group. We can move processes from one core group to another.


Life cycle...

  1. First core group member starts

  2. The transport dedicated to the core group automatically starts...

  3. The Discovery Protocol...

    • Discovers when other core group processes start
    • Opens network connections to core group members

  4. The View Synchrony Protocol exchanges state information between members.

  5. The Failure Detection Protocol monitors the core group network connections that the Discovery Protocol establishes.

The V6.0.x and v6.1.x requirement that every core group must contain at least one node agent or the dmgr does not apply to WAS ND v7. However, if we are running in a mixed cell environment, every core group that contains any V6.x members must also contain at least one node agent or the dmgr.


Core group coordinator

The core group coordinator is responsible for coordinating HA activities between the core group members for which View Synchrony Protocol is established.


Core group transport

Network communication between all the members of a core group must consist of a fast LAN with full IP visibility and bidirectional communication between all core group members.

Each core group member must be able to receive communications from any of the other core group members.


Multiple core groups

A cell, by default, contains a single core group, DefaultCoreGroup, of which all processes in the cell are initially members. A single core group is usually sufficient.

Configure multiple core groups when...

For different core groups to share workload management or on-demand configuration routing information, use the core group bridge service to create access point groups to for connecting the core groups.


Core group migration considerations
Core group coordinator
Core group administration considerations
Core group scaling considerations
Core group View Synchrony Protocol
Core group discovery and failure detection protocols
Core group protocol versions


Related concepts

Core group communications using the core group bridge service
High availability manager


Related tasks

Change the number of core group coordinators
Configure core group preferred coordinators
Configure the default Discovery Protocol for a core group
Configure the default Failure Detection Protocol for a core group
Configure a core group transport
Create a new core group (HA domain)
Moving core group members