Add or change WAR files



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You use the update wizard of the admin console to change Web app archives files (*.war) without having to restart appservers. (hot deployment).

See also: Change enterprise application files.

The following table lists the changes that we can make by manipulating a WAR file on the server where the application is deployed.

Change Hot deployment Dynamic reloading
Change an existing JSP. N/A Yes
Add a new JSP to an existing application. Yes Yes
Change an existing servlet class by editing and recompiling. N/A Yes
Change a dependent class of an existing servlet class. N/A Yes
Add a new servlet using the Invoker (Serve Servlets by class name) facility or add a dependent class to an existing application. Yes N/A
Add a new servlet, including a new definition of the servlet in the web.xml deployment descriptor for the application. Yes N/A
Change web.xml Yes Yes
Change ibm-web-ext.xmi. N/A Yes
Change the ibm-web-bnd.xmi N/A Yes



Related tasks

Hot deployment and dynamic reloading
Starting applications with scripting
Stopping applications with scripting