Configuration document descriptions



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Most configuration documents have XML content. The table describes the documents and states whether you can edit them using an administrative tool or must edit them directly.

If possible, edit a configuration document using the console because it validates any changes that you make to configurations. You can also use one of the other administrative tools (wsadmin or Java APIs) to modify configuration documents. Using the console or wsadmin scripting to update configurations is less error prone and likely quicker and easier than other methods.

Files that need to be editted manually are marked with an M.


Document descriptions

Configuration file Locations Purpose
admin-authz.xml config/cells/cell/ Administrative operation authorization.
app.policy M config/cells/cell/nodes/node/ Security permissions for application code.
cell.xml config/cells/cell/ Identify a cell.
cluster.xml config/cells/cell/clusters/cluster/ Identify a cluster and its members and weights.

This file is only available with the ND product.

deployment.xml config/cells/cell/applications/application/ Configure application deployment settings such as target servers and application-specific server configuration.
filter.policy M config/cells/cell/ Specify security permissions to be filtered out of other policy files.
integral-jms-authorizations.xml M config/cells/cell/ Security configuration data for the integrated messaging system.
library.policy M config/cells/cell/nodes/node/ Security permissions for shared library code.
multibroker.xml config/cells/cell/ Configure a data replication message broker.
namestore.xml M config/cells/cell/ Provide persistent name binding data.
naming-authz.xml M config/cells/cell/ Roles for a naming operation authorization.
node.xml config/cells/cell/nodes/node/ Identify a node.
pmirm.xml M config/cells/cell/ Configure PMI request metrics.
resources.xml config/cells/cell/
operating environment resources, including JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, URL, JCA resource providers and factories.
security.xml config/cells/cell/ Configure security, including all user ID and password data.
server.xml config/cells/cell/nodes/node/servers/server/ Identify a server and its components.
serverindex.xml config/cells/cell/nodes/node/ Specify communication ports used on a specific node.
spi.policy config/cells/cell/nodes/node/ Service provider libraries such as resource providers.
variables.xml config/cells/cell/
Configure variables used to parameterize any part of the configuration settings.
virtualhosts.xml config/cells/cell/ Configure a virtual host and its MIME types.


Related tasks

Use scripting (wsadmin)
Use the console
Use administrative programs (JMX)