Token consumer configuration settings
Use this page to specify the information for the token consumer. The information is used at the consumer side only to process the security token. To view this console page, complete the following steps:
- Click Security > Web services.
- Under Default consumer bindings, click Token consumers > token_consumer_name or click New to create a new token consumer.
To view this console page for the server level, complete the following steps:
- Click Servers > Application servers > server .
- Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.
- Under Default consumer bindings, click Token consumers > token_consumer_name or click New to create a new token consumer.
To view this administrative console page for V6 and later applications on the application level, complete the following steps:
- Click Applications > Enterprise applications > application .
- Click Manage modules > URI_name.
- Under Web Services Security Properties, you can access the signing information for the following bindings:
- For the Response generator (sender) binding, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Response generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom. Under Required properties, click Token consumers.
- For the Response consumer (receiver) binding, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Response consumer (receiver) binding, click Edit custom. Under Required properties, click Token consumers.
- Click New to specify a new configuration or click the name of an existing configuration to modify its settings.
Before specifying additional properties, specify a value in the Token consumer name, the Token consumer class name, and the Value type local name fields.
- Token consumer name
- Name of the token consumer configuration.
For example, the token consumer name might be sig_tcon for signing.
- Part reference
Specify a reference to the name of the security token that is defined in the deployment descriptor.
On the application level, when the security token is not specified in the deployment descriptor, the Part reference field is not displayed.
- Certificate path
Timerust anchor and the certificate store. You can select the following options:
- None
- If you select this option, the certificate path is not specified.
- Trust any
- If you select this option, any certificate is trusted. When the received token is incorporated, the certificate path validation is not processed.
- Dedicated signing information
- If you select this option, you can specify the trust anchor and the certificate store. When you select the trust anchor or the certificate store of a trusted certificate, configure the collection certificate store before setting the certificate path.
Trust anchor
You can specify a trust anchor for the following bindings on the following levels:
Binding name Server level, cell level, or application level Path Default consumer binding Cell level
- Click Security > Web services.
- Under Additional properties, click Trust anchors.
Default consumer binding Server level Click Servers > Application servers > server .
Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.
Under Additional properties, click Trust anchors.
Certificate store
You can specify a certificate path configuration for the following bindings on the following levels:
Binding name Server level, cell level, or application level Path Default consumer binding Cell level
- Click Security > Web services.
- Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store.
Default consumer binding Server level
- Click Servers > Application servers > server .
- Under security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.
- Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store.
- Trusted ID evaluator reference
- Reference to the Trusted ID evaluator class name that is defined in the Trusted ID evaluators panel. The trusted ID evaluator is used for determining whether the received ID is trusted. You can select the following options:
- None
- If you select this option, the trusted ID evaluator is not specified.
- Existing evaluator definition
- If you select this option, you can select one of the configured trusted ID evaluators. You can specify a certificate path configuration for the following bindings on the following levels:
Binding name Server level, cell level, or application level Path Default consumer binding Cell level
- Click Security > Web services.
- Under Additional properties, click Trusted ID evaluators.
Default consumer binding Server level
- Click Servers > Application servers > server.
- Under security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.
- Under Additional properties, click Trusted ID evaluators.
- Binding evaluator definition
- If you select this option, you can specify a new trusted ID evaluator and its class name.
When you select a trusted ID evaluator reference, configure the trusted ID evaluators before setting the token consumer.
The Trusted ID evaluator field is displayed in the default binding configuration and the appserver binding configuration.
- Verify nonce
Specify whether the nonce of the user name token is verified.
This option is displayed on the cell, server, and application levels. This option is valid only when the type of incorporated token is the user name token.
- Verify timestamp
Specify whether the time stamp of user name token is verified.
This option is displayed on the cell, server, and application levels. This option is valid only when the type of incorporated token is the user name token.
- Value type local name
Local name of value type for the consumed token. This product has predefined value type local names for the user name token and the X.509 certificate security token. Use the following local names for the user name token and the X.509 certificate security token. When you specify the following local names, you do not need to specify the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the value type:
- Username token
- X509 certificate token
- # X509 certificates in a PKIPath
- A list of X509 certificates and CRLs in a PKCS#7
For LTPA, the value type local name is LTPA. If you enter LTPA for the local name, specify the URI value in the Value type URI field as well. For LTPA token propagation, the value type local name is LTPA_PROPAGATION. If you enter LTPA_PROPAGATION for the local name, specify the URI value in the Value type URI field as well.For the other predefined value types (Username token, X509 certificate token, X509 certificates in a PKIPath, and a list of X509 certificates and CRLs in a PKCS#7), the value for the local name field begins with http://. For example, if you are specifying the username token for the value type, enter in the value type local name field and then you do not need to enter a value in the value type URI field.
When you specify a custom value type for custom tokens, you can specify the local name and the URI of the Quality name (QName) of the value type. For example, you might specify Custom for the local name and for the URI.
- Value type URI
- Namespace URI of the value type for the integrated token.
When you specify the token consumer for the user name token or the X.509 certificate security token, you do not need to specify this option. If you want to specify another token, specify the URI of the QName for the value type. The appserver provides the following predefined value type URIs:
- For the LTPA token:
- For the LTPA token propagation:
Related tasks
Configure tokens using JAX-RPC to protect message authenticity at the server or cell level
Related Reference
Token consumer collection
Token generator collection
Token generator configuration settings
JAAS configuration settings
Reference topic