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Migrate Cloudscape databases


After you use the migration tools to migrate to WebSphere Application Server V6.1, you should verify the results of the automatic Cloudscape database migration and manually migrate any Cloudscape database instances that are not automatically migrated by the tools.

See Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability and Premigration considerations. Tips:



WAS V6.1 requires Cloudscape Version 10.1.

Cloudscape V10.1 is a pure Java database server that combines the Apache Derby runtime with the opportunity to use the full services of IBM Software Support. For comprehensive information about Cloudscape Version 10.1, see the Cloudscape section of ibm.com at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/cloudscape/.

For help in troubleshooting problems when migrating, see Troubleshooting migration.



  1. Verify the automatic migration of Cloudscape database instances.

    When you migrate from WAS V5.x or 6.0.x to V6.1, the migration tools automatically upgrade the database instances that are accessed through the embedded framework by some internal components such as the UDDI registry. The tools also attempt to upgrade Cloudscape instances that your applications access through the embedded framework. You must verify these migration results after running the migration tools.

    See Verifying the Cloudscape v10.1.x automatic migration.

  2. Manually migrate Cloudscape database instances where necessary.

    The V6.1 migration tools do not attempt to automatically migrate database instances that transact with applications through the Cloudscape Network Server framework. This exclusion eliminates the risk of corrupting third-party applications that access the same database instances as those accessed by WAS.

    For details on manually migrating database instances that are accessed through the Cloudscape Network Server framework as well as Cloudscape instances that fail the automatic migration, see Upgrading Cloudscape manually.

  3. Manually migrate your UDDI registry if it uses a database on the Cloudscape Network Server framework.

    See Migrating the UDDI registry.