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WAS V6.1 is interoperable with other WAS versions under certain conditions.

WAS V6.1 is generally interoperable with WAS V5.x and V6.0.x. However, there are specific requirements to address for each version. In general, you should apply the latest fix level to support interoperability. If this is not possible, then the following interim fixes can be used to support your environment.



  1. Apply required interim fixes.

    Interim fixes to apply to V5.0.x:

    Interim fix V5.0 V5.0.1 V5.0.2
    PQ89426 (which requires PQ88653)     Apply (or move to

    Interim fixes to apply to V5.1.x:

    Interim fix V5.1.0 V5.1.1
    PQ84384 Apply (or move to or higher)  

    All fixes are available on the Support site for WAS products.

    Interim fixes PQ89426 (V5.0.2) and PQ84384 (V5.1.0):

    The transaction service is changed so that when a transaction is marked for rollbackOnly in a subordinate server, the superior server will be informed.

    This will allow applications running in the superior server to detect this status change.

  2. Follow the required guidelines for WAS V5.x.

    Guideline 1 (for V5.0.2 or earlier):

    To send requests from appservers that are WAS V5.0.2 or earlier to appservers that are V6.0 or later, set the following JVM properties:

    Apply this guideline in addition to applying interim fixes or moving to V5.0.2.8.

    You do not need to set these properties to receive requests on appservers that are WAS V5.0.2 or earlier from appservers that are V6 or later.

    Guideline 2:

    Be aware of the level of WAS in which each function you use is supported. Applications that you intend to be interoperable must only use function that is supported by all levels of WAS in the cluster. For example, applications that use the resource...

    commonj.timer.TimerManager resource

    ...which was new in V6.0, should not be deployed to a cluster including both V5.1 and V6.1 servers.

    Guideline 3:

    If you run related cross-domain interoperating applications, for example, one server is in...

    ...and the other is in...

    ... use fully qualified host names, such as...

    ...instead of just host9, when installing WAS V6.1.

    Guideline 4:

    To interoperate WAS V6.1 with V5.0, be at or above the V5.0.2.7 level. If you want to interoperate V6.1 with V5.1, be at or above the V5.1.1.1 level. Older levels of V5.0 and V5.1 do not support interoperability with V6.1.

  3. Upgrade SDK used to one supported by V6.1.x.


What to do next

This information is dynamic and might be augmented by information in technical articles that are available on the IBM DeveloperWorks WebSphere site. Check the site for the latest information.

Configure name space bindings
Interoperating with V6.0.1.2 processes
Interoperating with V6.0.2 and later processes


Related Reference

EJB binding settings
JNDI interoperability considerations