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Use the Profile Management tool to create and augment profiles


After you install WebSphere XD, you can use the Profile Management tool plugin to create unique types of profiles and augment existing profiles for WebSphere XD Operations Optimization V6.1. Use the GUI, which is provided by the Profile Management tool, to complete these tasks.


Before you begin

Augment at least one profile to use the features of the product.

Ensure that your environment meets all of the hardware and software requirements.

Install WebSphere Application Server ND V6.1, and apply the latest WAS fix pack to update your ND product level.

Install WebSphere XD Operations Optimization.

The Profile Management tool is the graphical interface to the manageprofiles command.


About this task

With the Profile Management tool plugin for WebSphere XD Operations Optimization, you can create various types of profiles, and augment existing profiles, by following the steps that are outlined in the GUI. The Profile Management tool plugin replaces the ISMP Profile wizard that was offered with WebSphere XD before the release of V6.1. Depending on what your specific goals are, complete any of the following tasks to create or augment profiles:

Complete the following steps to create and augment profiles for WebSphere XD Operations Optimization Version 6.1:



  1. Install WebSphere XD to create the core product files.

  2. Start the Profile Management tool.

    Click Profile Management tool from either the First steps console or the Start menu.

  3. Choose to create a new profile for WebSphere XD, or augment an existing profile.



Your product environment now contains augmented profiles.


What to do next

Depending on which task you choose to complete, launch the First steps console for assistance with configuring and testing WebSphere XD environment. Alternatively, repeat any of the preceding tasks to create or augment additional profiles.


Creating profiles


Related tasks

Augmenting profiles


Related reference

First steps console