Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Augmenting profiles
After you install WebSphere XD, you can augment an existing profile to make it compatible with WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization V6.1. To use product features, at least one profile augmented for WebSphere XD must exist in your environment. Use the graphical user interface (GUI), which is provided by the Profile Management tool plugin, to complete this task.
Before you begin
Ensure that your environment meets all of the hardware and software requirements. Install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.1, and apply the latest WebSphere Application Server fix pack to update your Network Deployment product level. Next, install WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization V6.1. At least one profile, which can already be augmented, must exist on your system to successfully complete this task.
About this task
. The Profile Management tool plugin for WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization enables the graphical user interface (GUI) to assist you in augmenting profiles to fully utilize WebSphere XD features.
- Launch the Profile Management tool. Click Profile Management tool from either the First Steps Console or the Start menu.
- Click Augment to launch the profile augmentation wizard and augment a new profile. This panel appears only if there is an existing profile and an existing profile template present.
- Review the Welcome panel, and click Next.
- Select the existing profile from the list to augment, and click Next.
- Select the augment that you want to apply to the profile, and click Next. Note that some augment templates cannot be used more than once with each profile. If unsuccessfully attempted, a message appears that states the selected template does not support multiple augmentations. Click OK, and select a different template. The next panel verifies if the profile can be augmented by the selected template by checking for any server that is running in a profile.
- Review the augmentation summary, and click Augment.
- Review the completion, and click Finish to exit the wizard.
You successfully augmented the profile for WebSphere Extended Deployment Operations Optimization.
What to do next
As a next step, you can choose to launch the First Steps Console, or you can augment another profile. You can also federate the application server into a deployment manager cell by using either administrative console of the deployment manager or the addNode command.
Related tasks
Creating profiles
Augmenting profiles for multiple products