Post-installation steps for business processes
This topic describes how the portal and Business Process Choreographer are configured by the installation program if all defaults are accepted. After installation, we can make changes to this configuration according to the requirements of the application and network.
After installing WebSphere Portal with business process support, the servers are configured as follows.
After installation, we can make the following changes to this configuration.
- Portal
- Portal is running on an application server with the name WebSphere_Portal that uses Cloudscape for data storage. Security is enabled using a Member Manager user repository that is also maintained by Cloudscape.
- Business process container
- Process container is also configured to the WebSphere_Portal application server that uses Cloudscape for the database. A Member Manager staff plug-in is automatically configured and adapted to the default Member Manager database.
- Configure the pages and portlets for process integration
- Change the security settings to use an LDAP directory
This affects the process container configuration. If the organizational structure changes, (for example, you change o=Default Organization to o=ACME, any business processes that are already deployed cannot be used any longer. See Updating security settings for business process applications for a description of the steps required to adapt the process container to the changes.
- Update the database used by the business process container
- Change from the local to a remote business process container
- Change the task page container
If you install WebSphere Portal with business process support on an unmanaged node, you will not be able to add that node to a managed cell or use it as part of a cluster at a later time. To make use of a managed cell, see Custom configuration.
This topic does not apply to iSeries.
Configure the pages and portlets for process integration
After installation, we need setup the task list page, task list portlet, and task page container manually. Use the WPSconfig command line script with the action-setup-process-integration task name to complete these three post-installation tasks.
After this task completes, stop and restart the My Tasks application using either the administrative console or by restarting the portal server.
Change from the local to a remote business process container
If you change the standard topology provided by the portal installation, verify the My Tasks portlet has the right connection settings for the Human Task Manager.
- If you have an existing business process container configured for portal, unconfigure the existing container using the WPSconfig command line script with the bpe-unconfig task name.
- To configure the Member Manager staff plug-in for the remote process container, refer to the Member Manager staff plug-in provider topic.
Custom configuration
For configurations other then the default one the required steps to setup a business process integration environment are different.
It is expected that you configure a business process container / Human Task Manager in the system to which the portal can connect. If that container should use the Member Manager staff plug-in, you have to perform the steps described in Member Manager staff plug-in provider. See the WebSphere Process Server information center. See Change task list settings for the steps that are required to connect portal to such a container. Starting from that setup we can make the following configuration changes:
Parent topic:
Integrating business processes
Related concepts
Business process concepts
Related tasks
Configuring the business process container for the portal
Related information
IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Basic steps for clustering WebSphere Process Server
WebSphere Process Server Information Center
Business process scenario: Travel request and approval
Developing business process applications
Configuring the portal for business processes
Deploying the business process application