Update security settings for business process applications
- Unconfigure the existing business process container using...
WPSconfig bpe-unconfig
- Edit...
portal_root/config/helpers/bpeconfig.properties...and set values for each of the following business process configuration parameters...
- adminBFMUsers
adminBFMGroups- adminHTMUsers
adminHTMGroups- monitorBFMUsers
monitorBFMGroups- monitorHTMUsers
monitorHTMGroups- jmsBFMRunAsUser
jmsBFMRunAsPwd- jmdHTMRunAsUser
jmdHTMRunAsPwd- mqUser
- If you use a database other than Cloudscape, execute the appropriate ddl files for creating the database. We can find the ddl files needed in the directory...
app_server_root/ProcessChoreographerFor example, for DB2, execute...
createDatabaseDb2.ddl...which implicitly executes...
createSchemaDb2.ddl...and optionally execute...
createTableSpaceDb2.ddlThe scripts contain short descriptions of how they are invoked.
- Configure the business process container using...
WPSconfig bpe-config
- Adapt the J2C authentication alias for SCA, which is the alias to login to a secured SIBus.
- Open the administrative console.
- Click...
Security | Global Security | JAAS Configuration | J2C Authentication data | SCA_Auth_Alias
- Adapt the user name and the password.
- Click OK.
If you have switched to an LDAP based user registry, specify the full distinguished name here.
- Adapt the J2C authentication alias for the CEI JMS Topics and Queues.
This is the alias used by SCA to login to a secured SIBus.
- Open the administrative console.
- Click...
Security | Global Security | JAAS Configuration | J2C Authentication data | CommonEventInfrastructureJMSAuthAlias
- Adapt the user name and the password.
- Click OK.
If you have switched to an LDAP based user registry, specify the full distinguished name here.
- Adapt the J2C authentication alias for the the WMM EJB. This is the alias used to access the WMM EJB.
- Open the administrative console.
- Click...
Security | Global Security | JAAS Configuration | J2C Authentication data | WMMEJB_AccessAlias
- Adapt the user name and the password.
- Click OK.
If you have switched to an LDAP based user registry, specify the full distinguished name here.
- Reconfigure the WMM staff plug-in. Update...
AppServer\ProcessChoreographer\Staff\MemberManagerTransformation.xmlAt a minimum the following properties need to be updated...
<xsl:variable name="DefaultSearchBase"> o=Default Organization </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="DefaultGroupNameSuffix"> o=Default Organization </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="DefaultDepartmentNameSuffix"> o=Default Organization </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="DefaultRoleNameSuffix"> o=Default Organization </xsl:variable>
- Run...
WPSconfig wpc-membermanager-cfg -DWpsBootstrapPort=port
- Restart the portal server.
Parent topic:
Configure the business process container for the portal
Related concepts
Member Manager staff plug-in provider
Related tasks
Update the database for the business process container
Related reference:
Business process configuration parameters