Deploy the business process application



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To deploy all of the components of a business process application into a production portal environment.

  1. Setup the task page definitions

  2. Deploy the task processing portlet, process instantiation portlet, and all supporting portlets.

    Install the task portlets and place them on the task page using either the portal administrative interface or the XML configuration interface. If you are deploying the business process into a cluster, the task portlets must be deployed to the same task page definition on each node in the cluster.

    To provide the task processing and process instantiation portlets access to the required EJB client stubs, follow these steps after the portlets have been deployed.

    1. Log in to the administrative console for the portal server or cluster.

    2. Open...

      Applications | Enterprise Applications

      ...and search for the EAR of the application. Select it.

    3. Click on Libraries.

    4. Click Add and select BPElib from the drop down menu.

    5. Save the changes.

  3. Deploy the process to the business process container

    After a business process is defined in the tooling, an EAR file is created that can be deployed into the business process container running on an application server.


Parent topic:

Integrate business processes


Related concepts

Business process concepts


Related tasks

Configure the business process container for the portal


Related information

WebSphere Process Server documentation
Business process scenario: Travel request and approval
Post-installation steps for business processes
Develop business process applications
Configure the portal for business processes