Plan for databases


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  1. Plan for databases(Current task)
  2. Installing databases
  3. Creating databases and users
  4. Transferring all domains or Transferring individual domains
  5. Verifying database connections



If you choose to transfer data to another supported database, perform the database transfer before you use WebSphere Portal extensively. Large amounts of data in the databases can cause the database transfer to fail if the Java heap size is not large enough. Because information is added to the databases as you use WebSphere Portal, you should perform the database transfer as soon as it is practical to avoid problems due to the amount of data that you are transferring.


What is the default database configuration?

By default, WebSphere Portal installs and uses the Cloudscape database. Installing with Cloudscape allows you to get WebSphere Portal installed and running for a proof of concept environment or before performing additional configuration.


Benefits and limitations of using Cloudscape

Using Cloudscape

  • Benefits:

    Cloudscape is a built-in Java database that provides a small footprint, is self tuning, and ideal for solutions where the database must be hidden. Cloudscape would work well in a non-clustered environment with a small number of users, such as a portlet development environment or proof of concept environment.

  • Limitations:

    Cloudscape may not be appropriate if the environment requires a database with greater capacity and scalability. Cloudscape does not support vertical cloning or a cluster environment, nor does it support enabling security in a database-only mode. Other supported databases may be better able to handle large databases and be tuned for performance.

Using other supported databases

  • Benefits:

    More capacity and scalability, with the ability to handle large databases. Other databases can provide performance gains with proper tuning. Other databases support vertical and horizontal clusters and cloning.

  • Limitations: Larger footprint and more resource requirements.


Do you want to transfer data to another supported database?

  • To continue to use Cloudscape, stop here. Return to the Installation scenarios topic if you were following a scenario.

  • To transfer to another supported database, here is an overview of steps follow to complete the transfer.

    • If you are transferring from a database other than Cloudscape, edit...

      This file is a copy of the file, so the default values will be for Cloudscape.

    • Data can be transferred from a Cloudscape database, but cannot be transferred to a Cloudscape database.


Do you want to separate the data onto different database domains?

Domains are the database or schema objects that can be transferred in parts, such as Release, Community, Customization, Feedback, LikeMinds, Jcr, and Member Manager. Separating the data allows you to share domains across multiple portals. We can also spread the different domains across different database types. For example, we can choose to leave LikeMinds data on Cloudscape and move all other data to another database.


Do you want the database on a different machine than WebSphere Portal ?

We can install the database server on the same machine as WebSphere Portal, or we can install the database server on a different, also referred to as a remote, machine.

  • Using a Remote database

    Using a remote database can have performance benefits. If you are deploying in a large scale environment, we can dedicate a server specifically to the database. This is valuable because, as more users are accessing the portal, the portal application can become database intensive. How intensive depends on the application. Some applications running on portal are more database intensive than others. Also, database activity can take up CPU utilization and disk i/o time. Separating the database from the server the portal is running on allows more CPU utilization for the portal.

    If you install the database server on a remote machine, you might be required to install database client software on the WebSphere Portal machine so that WebSphere Portal can communicate with the remote database server.

  • Using a local database

    Using a local database may make administering the environment easier.


What databases are supported?

We can use one of the following database products to store WebSphere Portal data.

Database Driver Notes
IBM Cloudscape V Cloudscape Type 4 Cloudscape is automatically installed during the initial installation of WebSphere Portal. After installation we can choose to transfer data to another supported database.
IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition 8.2 FP5 CLI (Type 2) Supports 64-bit DB2 (on AIX and Sun Solaris) using 32-bit DB2 database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition 8.1 FP12 CLI (Type 2) Supports 64-bit DB2 (on AIX and Sun Solaris) using 32-bit DB2 database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

IBM DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition 8.2 FP5 CLI (Type 2) Supports 64-bit DB2 (on AIX and Sun Solaris) using 32-bit DB2 database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

IBM DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition 8.1 FP12 CLI (Type 2) Supports 64-bit DB2 (on AIX and Sun Solaris) using 32-bit DB2 database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS 7.1 CLI (Type 2) DB2 Connect V 8.1.9a or later is required on the portal machine. DB2 Connect is part of the Enterprise Editions of DB2.

Using DB2 UDB for z/OS as the administrative repository for WebSphere on non-S/390 platforms requires setting the DB2 for z/OS system parameter to rrulock=yes.

PUT level 0603 with maintenance for APAR PK21599 or later service level.

IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS 8.1 CLI (Type 2) Connect V12 or later is required on the portal machine. DB2 Connect is part of the Enterprise Editions of DB2

Using DB2 UDB for z/OS as the administrative repository for WebSphere on non-S/390 platforms requires setting the DB2 for z/OS system parameter to rrulock=yes.

PUT level 0603 with maintenance for APAR PK21599 or later service level

IBM DB2 Universal Database for iSeries V5R3   Supports 32 bit JVM with cumulative PTF group SF99269 (level 10 or later).

The IBM DB2 for iSeries database is only supported for WebSphere Portal on an iSeries system.

The following program temporary fixes are required to be installed on DB2 for iSeries V5R3:

  • cumulative PTF group SF99503 level 8 or higher
  • PTF SI24550

Here are three commands we can issue to determine if the system's software is at the recommended level:

GO LICPGM Display all the installed licensed programs

wrkptfgrp Display and allow you to work with all installed PTF groups
dspptf Display PTF status; for example, temporarily or permanently applied

IBM DB2 Universal Database for iSeries V5R4   Supports 64 bit JVM with cumulative PTF group SF99291 (level 2 or higher)

The following program temporary fixes are required to be installed on DB2 for iSeries V5R4:

  • cumulative PTF group SF99504 level 1 or higher
  • PTF SI24569
  • PTF SI24629

Oracle Enterprise Edition 10g Release 1 and Release 2 Thin (Type 4) Oracle Database clustering using RAC on all supported Oracle levels. Supports connect time failover.

Supports 64-bit Oracle 10g Release 1 using 32-bit Oracle database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

Supports High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) Feature

Oracle Enterprise Edition 9i Release 2 Thin (Type 4) Oracle Database clustering via RAC on all supported Oracle levels. Supports connect time failover.

Supports 64-bit Oracle 9i using 32-bit Oracle database client/driver.

Supports 32-bit server/client configurations.

Must use patch level or greater.

Supports High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) Feature

Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2000 SP4 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Type 4) Requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC drivers.
SQL Server Standard Server 2000 SP4 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Type 4) Requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC drivers.


Next steps

Review database specific planning information by selecting a database from the following list.


Parent topic:

Configuring databases