# # Examples for DbType and DbUrl # # DbType: # The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal # # DB2: { db2 } # Oracle: { oracle } # MS SQL Server: { sqlserver } # Cloudscape: { cloudscape } # DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } # DB2 for z/OS and OS/390: { db2_zos } # DbUrl: The wps database URL # # The database element of this value should match the value of DbName # on z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location # name of the database to be used when establishing connections with # the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal # # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS60 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS60 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:<location> } # db2_zos (remote): { jdbc:db2:wpsdb } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@<YourDatabaseServer>:1521:wpsdb } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<YourDatabaseServer>:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb } # # Examples for DbType and DbUrl # # # Release Database Properties # # Type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Release domain source.release.DbType=cloudscape # This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP # Alias for the database. source.release.DbName=wpsdb # The WebSphere Portal Release domain database schema name # # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.release.DbSchema=release # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # WebSphere Portal database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.release.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal # Release domain source.release.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The wps release domain database URL source.release.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # The database administrator user ID source.release.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.release.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # The release database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.release.XDbName=wps6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the WebSphere Portal Release domain database. # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.release.DbNode=wpsNode # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Storage group for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Volumes for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database source.release.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: Release Database Properties # # # Customization Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Customization # domain source.customization.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the WebSphere Portal Customization domain database # value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP # Alias for the database. source.customization.DbName=wpsdb # The WebSphere Portal Customization domain database schema name # # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.customization.DbSchema=customization # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # WebSphere Portal Customization domain database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.customization.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # Name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal # Customization domain source.customization.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The wp customization domain database URL source.customization.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # Database administrator user ID source.customization.DbUser=db2admin # Database administrator password source.customization.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # XDbName: The customization database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.customization.XDbName=wps6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the WebSphere Portal Customization domain # database. # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.customization.DbNode=wpsNode # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Storage group for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Volumes for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database source.customization.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: Customization Database Properties # # # Community Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal Community domain source.community.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the WebSphere Portal Community domain database # This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP # Alias for the database. source.community.DbName=wpsdb # The WebSphere Portal Community domain database schema name # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.community.DbSchema=community # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # WebSphere Portal Community domain database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.community.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # Name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal # Community domain source.community.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The wp community domain database URL source.community.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # The database administrator user ID source.community.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.community.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Community database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.community.XDbName=wps6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the WebSphere Portal Community domain # database. # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.community.DbNode=wpsNode # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Storage group for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The volumes for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database source.community.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: Community Database Properties # # # JCR Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain source.jcr.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database # This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP Alias # for the database. source.jcr.DbName=wpsdb # The WebSphere Portal JCR domain database schema name # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.jcr.DbSchema=jcr # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # WebSphere Portal JCR domain database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.jcr.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal JCR domain source.jcr.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The wp JCR domain database URL source.jcr.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # The database administrator user ID source.jcr.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.jcr.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # The JCR database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.jcr.XDbName=wps6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database. # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.jcr.DbNode=wpsNode # ** MS SQL Server** # # The SQL Server System Administrator password source.jcr.DbSaPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Hostname (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime # Edition database source.jcr.DbHost=hostname # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Domain (not including hostname) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content # Manager Runtime Edition database source.jcr.DbDomain=yourco.com # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # Port number of DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database on the # remote system (required for Driver Type 4 only) source.jcr.DbPort=446 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Common prefix of Node Type database names for DB2 Content Manager # Runtime Edition # Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. source.jcr.ZosDbPrefix=ICM # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Maximum number of User Defined Tables to be stored in a # particular Node Type DB in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database # Refer to Database Transfer instructions in the InfoCenter for details. source.jcr.ZosDbMaxTables=400 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The storage group for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The volumes for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal jcr database source.jcr.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: JCR Database Properties # # # WMM Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for WebSphere Member Manager source.wmm.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the WebSphere WebSphere Member Manager database # This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP Alias for # the database. source.wmm.DbName=wpsdb # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # WebSphere WebSphere Member Manager database. # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.wmm.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere WebSphere # Member Manager source.wmm.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The wmm database URL source.wmm.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # The database administrator user ID source.wmm.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.wmm.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # The wmm database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.wmm.XDbName=wps6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the WebSphere WebSphere Member Manager # database and needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.wmm.DbNode=wpsNode # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The storage group for the WebSphere Portal wmm database source.wmm.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # Volumes for the WebSphere Portal wmm database source.wmm.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal wmm database source.wmm.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal wmm database source.wmm.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal wmm database source.wmm.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: WMM Database Properties # # # Personalization Feedback Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for Feedback source.feedback.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the Feedback database # This value should also appear as the database element in source.feedback.DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.feedback.DbName=wpsdb # The Feedback database schema name # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.feedback.DbSchema=FEEDBACK # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote Feedback database. # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.feedback.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # The name of datasource to be used for Feedback source.feedback.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The Feedback database URL source.feedback.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # The database administrator user ID source.feedback.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.feedback.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # XDbName:The name of the Feedback database source.feedback.XDbName=fdbk6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the Feedback database # and needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.feedback.DbNode=pznNode # ** MS SQL Server only** # # The hostname of the Feedback database. source.feedback.DbHostName=myserver # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The name of the feedback database tablespace. source.feedback.DbTablespace=fdbkdbts # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The storage group for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The volumes for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal feedback database source.feedback.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: Personalization Feedback Database Properties # # # LikeMinds Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for LikeMinds source.likeminds.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the LikeMinds database # # This value should also appear as the database element in source.likeminds.DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.likeminds.DbName=wpsdb # The LikeMinds database schema name # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. source.likeminds.DbSchema=likeminds # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # LikeMinds database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.likeminds.DbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 # The name of datasource to be used for LikeMinds source.likeminds.DataSourceName=wpdbDS # The LikeMinds database URL source.likeminds.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # ** DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 ** # # The database administrator user ID source.likeminds.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.likeminds.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # The name of the LikeMinds database source.likeminds.XDbName=lmdb6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # This value is the node for the LikeMinds database # and needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.likeminds.DbNode=pznNode # ** MS SQL Server only** # # The hostname of the LikeMinds database. source.likeminds.DbHostName=myserver # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The name of the LikeMinds database tablespace. source.likeminds.DbTablespace=lmdbts # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The storage group for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The volumes for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The VCAT for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database source.likeminds.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: LikeMinds Database Properties # # # Designer Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for designer source.designer.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the designer database # This value should also appear as the database element in source.designer.DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.designer.DbName=wpsdb # The designer database schema name # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. # # Must be equal to designer on Oracle and SQL Server source.designer.DbSchema=designer # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # designer database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. #source.designer.DbNameOnZos=DSGNR02 # The name of datasource to be used for designer source.designer.DataSourceName=designerDS # The designer database URL source.designer.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # ** DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 ** # # The database administrator user ID # # **For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value MUST be set to designer** # **which corresponds to the user designer in our SQL Server or Oracle database** source.designer.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.designer.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # The customization database alias that needs to be set if you want to call # create-local-database-db2 source.designer.XDbName=dez6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the designer database # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.designer.DbNode=wpsNode # ** MS SQL Server only** # # The hostname of the designer database. source.designer.DbHostName=myserver # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Name of the designer database tablespace. source.designer.DbTablespace=dsgnrtbs # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Storage group for the WebSphere Portal designer database source.designer.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Volumes for the WebSphere Portal designer database source.designer.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal designer database source.designer.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal designer database source.designer.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal designer database source.designer.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: Designer Database Properties # # # Sync Database Properties # # The type of database to be used for sync source.sync.DbType=cloudscape # The name of the sync database # # This value should also appear as the database element in source.sync.DbUrl # Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only: This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database. source.sync.DbName=wpsdb # The sync database schema name # # Follow the documentation of the target database management system # in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for # some database management systems. # # Must be equal to sync on Oracle and SQL Server source.sync.DbSchema=sync # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # If running db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote # sync database. # # If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName. source.sync.DbNameOnZos=SYNC02 # The name of datasource to be used for sync source.sync.DataSourceName=syncDS # The sync database URL source.sync.DbUrl=jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true # ** DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 ** # # The database administrator user ID # # **For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value MUST be set to sync** # **which corresponds to the user sync in our SQL Server or Oracle database** source.sync.DbUser=db2admin # The database administrator password source.sync.DbPassword=ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # The name of the sync database source.sync.XDbName=sync6TCP # ** Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # # Node for the sync database # Needs to be set if you want to call create-local-database-db2 source.sync.DbNode=syncNode # ** MS SQL Server only** # # The hostname of the sync database. source.sync.DbHostName=myserver # ** Oracle, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The name of the sync database tablespace. source.sync.DbTablespace=SYNCREGTBS # ** Oracle # ** # The name of the index tablespace for sync tables source.sync.DbIdxTablespace=SYNCIDXTBS # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The storage group for the WebSphere Portal sync database source.sync.DbStorageGroup=WPSSG # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # Volumes for the WebSphere Portal sync database source.sync.DbVolumes=* # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # VCAT for the WebSphere Portal sync database source.sync.DbVcat=DSN810 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal sync database source.sync.Db4KBufferPoolName=BP0 # ** DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # # The 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal sync database source.sync.Db32KBufferPoolName=BP32K # # END: sync Database Properties #