Directory Server, Version 6.1
Setting up the Web Administration Tool
After you have started the application server, we need to set up the console that is going to manage your directory servers. From the IBM® Tivoli® Directory Server Web Administration login page, log in as the console administrator and perform the following tasks:
Managing the console
At the IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool console:
Changing the console administrator login
To change the console administrator ID:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Change console administrator login.
- Enter the new administrator ID.
Only one console administrator ID is allowed. The administrator ID is replaced by the new ID that you specified. When the Web Administration Tool is initially deployed the default console administrator value is superadmin.
- Enter the current administrator password. The password, secret, is the same for the new administrator ID, until you change it.
Changing the console administration password
For security reasons, change the default console administrator password, secret, to another password.
Because the password policy cannot be enforced for the password of the console administrator, the administrator must implement organizational means to ensure that the configuration shown for the password policy is also enforced for the password of the console administrator.
To change the console administrator password:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Change console administrator password.
- Enter the current password.
- Enter the new password.
- Enter the new password again to confirm that there are no typographical errors.
- Click OK.
Adding, modifying, and removing servers in the console
Use the following procedures to add, edit, or delete servers in the console:
Adding a server to the console
To add a server to the console:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Manage console servers. A table for listing of server host names and port numbers is displayed.
- Click Add.
- Specify a unique name that identifies a registered IBM Tivoli Directory Server (TDS) instance running on a specified host name or IP address and server port. The server name is displayed in the LDAP Hostname list on the Directory server login panel. If a name is not provided in the Server name field, the hostname:port combination would be displayed for the server instance in the LDAP Hostname list on the Directory server login panel.
- Enter the host name address or the IP address of the server. For example
- Select the Admin daemon supported check box to enable the Administration port control.
- Specify the port numbers or accept the defaults.
For multiple server instances on the same machine, although the host name remains the same, specify the correct port that was assigned to the directory server instance.
- Specify if the server is SSL enabled. Ensure that you complete step 5 under Managing console properties.
- Click OK to apply the changes or click Cancel to exit the panel without making any changes.
Modifying a server in the console
To change the port number or SSL enablement of a server:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Manage console servers. A listing of server host names and port numbers is displayed.
- Select the radio button next to the server you want to modify.
- Click Edit.
- We can change the port numbers.
- We can change whether the server is SSL enabled. Ensure that you complete step 5 under Managing console properties, if you are enabling SSL.
- Click OK to apply the changes or click Cancel to exit the panel without making any changes.
Removing a server from the console
To remove a server from the console:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Manage console servers. A listing of server host names and port numbers is displayed.
- Select the radio button next to the server you want to remove.
- Click Delete.
- A message to confirm that you want to remove the server is displayed. Click OK to remove the server or click Cancel to exit the panel without removing the server.
Managing console properties
To change the settings for the console properties:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Manage console properties.
- Click Component management - to specify the components that are enabled for all servers in the console. By default all the components are enabled.
You might not see a management component or some of its tasks, even if it is enabled, if you do not have the correct authority on the server or the server does not have the needed capabilities, or both.
- Click Session properties - to set the time out limit for the console session. The default setting is 60 minutes.
A session might be valid for three to five minutes more than what you have set. This is because the invalidations are performed by a background thread in the application server that acts on a timer interval. This timer interval extends the session time out duration.
- Click SSL key database - to set up the console so that it can communicate with other LDAP servers using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), if necessary. Set the key database path and file name, the key password, the trusted database path and file name, the trusted password in the appropriate fields. The supported file type is jks. See Using gsk7ikm and Secure Sockets Layer for information about key databases and SSL.
Manage properties for webadmin searches
Users can use the Manage properties for webadmin searches panel to configure the search settings for web admin searches. However, if the limit number of attribute values control is not supported then the Manage properties for webadmin searches panel will not be displayed.
To configure the search settings for web admin searches:
- Expand Console administration in the navigation area.
- Click Manage properties for webadmin searches.
- Specify the maximum number of attributes to return for each entry. If you click Number of attributes, enter a number. Otherwise, click Unlimited.
- Specify the maximum number of values to return for each attribute. If you click Number of values, enter a number. Otherwise, click Unlimited.
- Click OK to save the changes and to return to the Introduction panel.
When you have finished setting up the console, click Logout to exit. See Logging off the console for more information.
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