Directory Server, Version 6.1
Web Administration Tool graphical user interface (GUI)
The IBM® Tivoli® Directory Server Web Administration Tool is installed on an application server, such as the embedded version of IBM WebSphere® Application Server - Express (WAS) included with the IBM Tivoli Directory Server, and administered through a console. Servers that have been added to the console can be managed through the Web Administration Tool without having to have the tool installed on each server.
The preferred method of administering the server is by using the Web Administration Tool.
Before we can start using the Web Administration Tool for the server, complete the following tasks...
- Set the administration DN and password to be able to start a given server.
- If the server is not configured as a proxy server, configure a database to be able to start a given server in a state other than the configuration only mode.
- Ensure that either the server or the administration daemon is running.
See the IBM Tivoli Directory Server Version 6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide and Directory administration daemon for information on these tasks.
If you have other application servers running, ensure that the application server where the Web Administration Tool is installed is not running on the same port as the other application servers.
Starting the Web Administration Tool
To start the Web Administration Tool, start the application server in which it was installed.
For the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express go to the directory where you installed the IBM Tivoli Directory Server and issue the command:
- For UNIX® or Linux-based platforms
WAS_HOME/appsrv/bin/ server1If you used ISMP to install, the default location isIDS_HOME/appsrv/bin/ server1- For Windows-based platforms
WAS_HOME\appsrv\bin\startServer.bat server1If you used ISMP to install, the default location isIDS_HOME\appsrv\bin\startServer.bat server1
Logging in to the console
Open a Web browser and type the following address:
http://localhost:12100/IDSWebApp/IDSjsp/Login.jsp...or if you are using secure communications with your Web browser
https://localhost:12101/IDSWebApp/IDSjsp/Login.jspThe IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration login page panel is displayed.
- localhost is a host name or an IP address, if you are logged on to a browser that is not on the same machine where the Web Administration Tool is installed.
- Initially, when no server is registered, the Console admin page is displayed. If one or more servers are registered, the initial page to be displayed is Directory server login page.
Logging on to the console as the console administrator
To log on as the console administrator, at the Console admin login page, do the following:
- In the Username field type: superadmin, if the default user name has not been changed. See Managing the console.
- In the Password field type: secret, if the default password has not been changed. See Managing the console.
- Click Login.
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool console is displayed.
To log in as a registered user click the Log in to a registered LDAP server link. This will display the Directory server login page.
Logging on to the console as the server administrator, a member of an administrative group or an LDAP user
To log on as the server administrator, a member of the administrative group (see Creating the administrative group) or an LDAP user:
- At the IBM Tivoli Directory Server login page select the LDAP host name or IP address and port for your machine from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the administrator DN and the corresponding password for that administrator DN (you set these up during the server configuration process). For example, if the administrator DN which was created during the server configuration process was cn=root, then enter the full administrator DN. Do not just use root. Similarly, to login as an admin group member or as a normal DIT user, enter the DN of the user and the corresponding password. For example, if the DIT user is cn=Tom Brown, o=sample then we need to enter the login name as cn=Tom Brown, o=sample.
- Click Login.
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool console is displayed with various server management tasks. The server management tasks vary depending upon the capabilities of the server and the type of user that you have logged on as.
- The Web Administration Tool does not support logging on to a given server using replication supplier credentials.
- To log in to the console admin, click the Log in to Console Admin link.
Console layout
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool console consists of five areas:
- Banner area
- The banner area located at the top of the panel contains the application name, IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool, and the IBM Logo.
- Navigation area
- The navigation area, located on the left side of the panel, displays expandable categories for various console or server tasks. The tasks available vary depending on your authority or the capabilities of the server you are logging onto or both.
- Work area
- The work area displays the tasks associated with the selected task in the navigation area. For example, if Managing server security is selected in the navigation area, the work area displays the Server Security page and the tabs containing tasks related to setting up server security.
- Server status area
If you are logged on as the console administrator, this area displays "Console administrator" and provides an icon link to the table of contents for task helps.The server status area, located at the top of the work area, indicates the status and the name of the server being administered. It also has two icon links, one to the Start/Stop/Restart procedure and the other to general help information. When you select a task from the navigation area, the name of the selected task, a link to the error log files, and a link to the task help are also displayed.
- Task status area
- The task status area, located beneath the work area, displays the status of the current task.
Logging off the console
To log off from the console, click Logout in the navigation area.
The Logout successful panel displays the message:
You have successfully been logged off the server. This action has occurred because you hit the logout button. Please note that this browser window and any other browser windows opened while you were working on the server have now expired. No further interaction can occur with the server by clicking in these windows.We can re-login by clicking here.
Click the word here in this message to return to the IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Login Page.
Using tables in the Web Administration Tool
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool displays certain information, such as lists of attributes and entries, in tables. Tables contain several utilities that enable you to search for, organize, and perform actions on these table items.
Table icons
IBM Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration Tool tables provide icons to help you organize and find information in the table. Some icons are displayed on some tables and not on others, depending on the current task. The following is a comprehensive list of the icons you might encounter:
Click the Show Filter Row icon to display filter rows for every column in the table.
Click the Hide Filter Row icon to display filter rows for every column in the table.
Click the Clear all filters icon clear all filters set for the table.
Click the Edit sort icon to sort the information in the table.
Click the Clear all sorts icon clear all sorts set for the table.
Click the Collapse table icon to hide the table data.
Click the Expand table icon to display the table data.
Click the Select all icon to select all items in the table.
Click the Deselect all icon to deselect all selected items in the table.
Select Action drop-down menu
The Select Action drop-down menu contains a comprehensive list of all available actions for the selected table.
For example, instead of using the icons to display and hide sorts and filters, we can use the Select Action drop-down menu. We can also use the Select Action drop-down menu to perform operations on the table contents; for example, on the Manage attributes panel, actions such as View, Add, Edit, Copy, and Delete are displayed not only as buttons on the toolbar, but also in the Select Action drop-down menu. If the table supports it, we can also display or hide the Show find toolbar using the Select Action drop-down menu. See Finding for more information on finding table items.
To perform an action using the Select Action menu:
- Click the Select Action drop-down menu.
- Select the action you want to perform; for example Edit sort.
- Click Go.
To view different table pages, use the navigation controls at the bottom of the table. We can enter a specific page number into the navigation field and click Go to display a certain page. We can also use the Next and Previous arrows to move from page to page.
To change the way items in a table are sorted:
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Edit sort icon on the table.
- Click the Select Action drop-down menu, select Edit sort and click Go. A sorting drop-down menu is displayed for every column in the table.
- From the first sort drop-down menu, select the column that you want to sort. Do the same for any of the other sortable columns that you want to sort.
- Select whether to sort in ascending or descending order by selecting Ascending Descending from the drop-down menu. Ascending is the default sort order. We can also sort using column headers. On every column is a small arrow. An arrow pointing up means that column is sorted in ascending order. An arrow pointing down means that column is sorted in descending order. To change the sort order, simply click on the column header.
- When you are ready to sort, click Sort.
To clear all the sorts, click the Clear all sorts icon.
To find a specific item or items in a table:
The Show find toolbar option is available on some tables and not on others, depending on the current task.
- Select Show find toolbar from the Select Action drop-down menu and click Go.
- Enter your search criteria in the Search for field.
- If desired, select a condition upon which to search from the Conditions drop-down menu. The options for this menu are:
- Contains
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Exact match
- Select the column upon which you want to base the search from the Column drop-down menu.
- Select whether to display results in descending or ascending order from the Direction drop-down menu. Select Down to display results in descending order. Select Up to display results in ascending order.
- Select the Match case check box, if you want search results to match the upper and lower case criteria in the Search for field.
- When you have entered the desired criteria, click Find to search for the attributes.
To filter items in a table, do the following:
- Do one of the following:
Filter buttons are displayed above each column.
- Click the Show filter icon.
- Click the Select Action drop-down menu, select Show filter row and click Go.
- Click Filter above the column you want to filter.
- Select one of the following conditions from the Conditions drop-down menu:
- Contains
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Enter the text you want to filter on in the field; for example, if you selected Starts with, you might enter C.
- If you want to match case (upper case text or lower case text) select the Match case check box.
- When you are ready to filter the attributes, click OK.
- Repeat step 2 through step 6 for every column you want to filter.
To clear all the filters, click the Clear all filters icon.
To hide the filter rows, click the Show filter icon again.
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