Member Manager and People Finder
Member Manager provides the common schema of attributes used by People Finder for people and their person records.
Member Manager data types
We can select the display format of a People Finder field if the data type of the corresponding attribute in Member Manager is string. Attributes with data type string can have one of the following display formats:
- String (default)
The People Finder field appears as text.
- Person link
The People Finder field appears as a person name showing online presence and a person menu of actions.
- E-mail address
The People Finder field appears as a mailto: link that launches an e-mail message to the person.
- Web page link
The People Finder field appears as a link to a Web page
People Finder fields that correspond to Member Manager attributes that have data types other than string appear as fixed text. People Finder supports the following data types, but we cannot choose the display format for fields that correspond to attributes with these data types.
- Integer, Long, Double
Display format is always Numeric.
- MemberIdentifier
Display format is always Member Link.
manager (Employee's manager. Required to build Organization view.)
secretary (Name of the person's secretary or assistant)
seeAlso (Person who can be contacted when this person is not available)
- ByteArray
Display format is always Image.
Example: jpegPhoto (A jpeg format photograph)
- Object
Display format is always Object.
Other data types such as Timestamp are not supported by People Finder.
Special attribute ibm-personAwarenessIdentity
The attribute ibm-personAwarenessIdentity is included in the Member Manager schema that is used by the portal. The value of this special attribute ensures that unique identities are used by Domino and Extended Products Portlets other than the People Finder portlet to open the Person Record and Organization View from person links in those portlets when the portlets use different directory services. Application developers can use the ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute to store distinguished names (dn) from external directories for the portlets they are developing. Using click-to-action methods and URL addressability, the portlets can make calls to People Finder and request the People Finder actions Show Person Record and in Show Organization View.
ibm-awarenessPerson object class
The object identifier (OID) for the ibm-awarenessPerson object class is defined as follows:
( NAME 'ibm-awarenessPerson' DESC 'Object class defining awareness identities for person entry' AUXILIARY SUP top MAY ibm-personAwarenessIdentity )
ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute
The object identifier (OID) for the ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute is defined as follows:
( NAME 'ibm-personAwarenessIdentity' DESC 'This person's Distinguished Name used by the other directory services for People Awareness' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX USAGE userApplications )
Resolving problems with multiple LDAP services
If the enterprise uses an LDAP directory for Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace that is different from the one used for People Finder through the portal server's Member Manager configuration, a person's DistinguishedName (dn) may be different in the different directories. If this condition exists, person links that appear in the My Lotus QuickPlaces and Lotus Web Conferencing portlets will not open the Person Record and Organization View of the found person.
To solve this problem, you may use any of these three approaches:
- If you use a different LDAP server for People Finder from the one you use for Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace, we can use an identical schema in the different servers, and ensure that each person's DistinguishedName (dn) is the same in the two servers.
- If use different LDAP servers with different schemas, then you may create alias mappings between the users in the People Finder LDAP server and the same users in the other LDAP server(s). Consult the LDAP documentation for information on creating alias mappings.
- If we cannot or do not wish to create alias mappings, you may add the ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute to the users in the People Finder LDAP server to identify each user's identity in the other LDAP server.
Extending the LDAP schema used by People Finder and Member Manager
The ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute places the value of a person's DistinguishedName (dn) as it appears in the LDAP directory used by Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace servers into the People Finder directory on the People Finder LDAP server. The ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute does not enable people awareness on names that appear in the People Finder portlet. It only makes it possible to open the Person Record or Organizational View of a person whose name appears in another portlet using a different LDAP server, such as the My Lotus QuickPlaces portlet.
To use the ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute to extend the schema of the People Finder LDAP server...
- Use the LDAP tools to extend the LDAP schema of the People Finder LDAP server with the new object class ibm-awarenessPerson and its attribute ibm-personAwarenessIdentity.
- Extend the object class you use for person entities (for example, inetOrgPerson, User, or whatever the People Finder LDAP server is using) with ibm-awarenessPerson as an AUX subclass.
For example, to extend inetOrgPerson with this new object class, you use this rule:
ditContentRules: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2 NAME 'inetOrgPerson' DESC 'Defines entries representing people in an organization's enterprise network.' AUX ( ibm-awarenessPerson ) )This will non-destructively add ibm-personAwarenessIdentity as an optional attribute for members of the inetOrgPerson object class.
- For each person entry in the other LDAP directory used by Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace, populate the person's ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute with the person's DistinguishedName (dn).
For example, if a person named John Doe exists in an IBM Tivoli Directory Server directory with the DistinguishedName (dn)
uid=jdoe,ou=hq,o=mycompany...and this person also exists in the Domino Directory as "John Doe" with the DistinguishedName (dn) of
CN=John Doe,OU=Headquarters,O=MyCompany...then we need to add the attribute ibm-personAwarenessIdentity to John Doe's entry in the Tivoli Directory Server directory with the value of his DistinguishedName (dn) as it appears in the Domino Directory.
- Map the ibm-personAwarenessIdentity attribute in the wmmLDAPServerAttributes.xml file on the portal server that hosts the People Finder portlet:
Windows and UNIX:
We can locate the file in the following directory:
We can locate the file in the following directory:
portal_server_root/wmm/wmmLDAPServerAttributes.xml... <attributeMap wmmAttributeName="ibm-personAwarenessIdentity" pluginAttributeName="ibm-personAwarenessIdentity" applicableMemberTypes="Person" dataType="String" valueLength="1024" multiValued="false" />
- Map this attribute in the wmmAttributes.xml file:
Windows and UNIX:
We can locate the file in the following directory:
We can locate the file in the following directory:
portal_server_root/wmm/wmmAttributes.xml... <attribute wmmAttributeName="ibm-personAwarenessIdentity" applicableMemberTypes="Person" dataType="String" valueLength="1024" multiValued="true" />
Parent Topic
People Finder
Related concepts
Map LDAP attributes
Plan for collaborative servers and portlets
Related tasks
Enable People Finder for anonymous users
Database user registry
Related reference
People Finder configuration reference
People Finder interaction with other portlets
Related information
LDAP user registry