UDDI Registry Messages
The UDDI Registry issues messages to report events or errors. The messages are in the form CWUDxnnnns where:
- x
- is a character descriptor identifying which UDDI component is involved
- nnnn
- is the error code
- s
- is one of I (Information), E (Error) or W (Warning)
The prefix CWUDxnnnns: is followed by text that describes the event or error. For some messages, the first word of the text is one of the form (MSN=SSSS). The SSSS provides a message sequence number (or MSN), which identifies the unique circumstance in which the message was issued, and is of use where the same message can be issued in more than one circumstance.
To help you diagnose problems and minimize the need to enable trace in any of the above components, view the messages table. We can view the messages by prefix or component, whichever is easiest for you to find in the table. All messages are documented with user/system action and explanation.
The text for the UDDI messages is contained in the following files:
- setupuddimessages.jar and UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar for the CWUDD messages
- jaxruddi.jar for CWUDX messages
- UDDIValueSetTools.jar for CWUDV messages
- UDDIUtilityTools.jar for CWUDU messages
- uddiresourcebundles.jar for the remaining prefixes
which are placed, by the installation process, into the lib subdirectory of the WebSphere application server into which the UDDI Registry was installed (with the exception of UDDIUtilityTools.jar, which is placed into UDDIReg/scripts). If you will be running a console or log analyzer from another process; for example, to analyze the activity log, place a copy of the above jar files into a directory that is within the classpath of that process. Otherwise, the message lookup for the UDDI messages will fail.
UDDI Components Message Prefix Table Click on individual links for message documentation for the component
CWUDDnnnns UDDI Deploy and Removal CWUDGnnnns UDDI User Console CWUDMnnnns UDDI Management Interface CWUDNnnnns UDDI Node Management CWUDQnnnns UDDI Migration CWUDRnnnns UDDI Logging and Tracing CWUDSnnnns UDDI SOAP Interface CWUDTnnnns UDDI Transaction Manager CWUDUnnnns UDDI Utility Tools CWUDVnnnns UDDI Value Set Tools CWUDXnnnns JAXR
See also
CWUDDnnnns (Web Services UDDI Deployment and Removal) messages
CWUDGnnnns (Web Services UDDI User Console) messages
CWUDMnnnns (Web Services UDDI Management Interface) messages
CWUDNnnnns (Web Services UDDI Node Manager) messages
CWUDQnnnns (Web Services UDDI Migration) messages
CWUDRnnnns (Web Services UDDI Logging and Tracing) messages
CWUDSnnnns (Web Services UDDI SOAP Interface) messages
CWUDTnnnns (Web Services UDDI Registry Transaction Manager) messages
CWUDUnnnns (Web Services UDDI Utility Tools) messages
CWUDVnnnns (Web Services UDDI Value Set Tools) messages
CWUDXnnnns (Web Services JAXR) messages