CWUDUnnnns (Web Services UDDI Utility Tools) messages

CWUDU0001I: Usage: java -jar UDDIUtilityTools.jar '{'function'}' [options]
  -promote entity source   Promote entities between registries 
  -export entity source    Extract entities from registry to XML 
  -delete entity source    Delete entities from registry 
  -import                  Create entities from XML to registry 
where entity source is one of: 
  -tmodel|-business|-service|-binding key Specify single entity type and key 
  -keysFile | -f filename  Specify file containing entity types and keys 
  -properties filename     Specify path to configuration file 
  -overwrite | -o          Overwrite an entity if it already exists 
  -log | -v                Output verbose messages 
  -definitionFile filename Specify path to UDDI entity definition file 
  -importReferenced        Import entities referenced by source entities 
The following options override property settings in configuration file: 
Example: java -jar UDDIUtilityTools.jar -promote -keysFile C:/uddikeys.txt

Explanation: This is the usage message displayed at the command line when the user has entered an invalid combination of arguments or options.

User Response: Enter the command according to the usage message.

CWUDU0002I: ********** Starting UDDI Utility Tools **********

Explanation: This message is used as a marker in the message log file to indicate tool start points.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0003I: Promoting entityType<entity type> key<entity key>...

Explanation: Indicates which entity type (business, tModel and so on) is being promoted, and it's key value.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0004I: Bad entityType: received<incorrect entity type>, expected <tModel|business|service|binding>

Explanation: The user entered an incorrect entity type.

User Response: Use an entity type of tModel, business, service or binding.

CWUDU0005I: Promotion successful.

Explanation: Indicates the promote function completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0006I: Import successful.

Explanation: Indicates the import function completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0007I: Export successful.

Explanation: Indicates the export function completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0008I: Delete successful.

Explanation: Indicates the delete function completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0009I: Exporting entities ...

Explanation: Indicates the export function has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0010I: Exporting business, businessKey[<business key].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessEntity with the specified key is being exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0011I: Exporting service, serviceKey[<service key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessService with the specified key is being exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0012I: Exporting binding, bindingKey[<binding key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the bindingTemplate with the specified key is being exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0013I: Exporting tModel, tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the tModel with the specified key is being exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0014I: Exporting referenced tModel, tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the referenced tModel with the specified key is being exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0015I: Exported <entity count> entities.

Explanation: Indicates that the export function completed, and shows the number of entities exported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0016I: Importing entities ...

Explanation: Indicates the import function has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0017I: Importing business, businessKey[<business key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessEntity with the specified key is being imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0018I: Importing service, serviceKey[<service key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessService with the specified key is being imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0019I: Importing binding, bindingKey[<binding key>]

Explanation: Indicates that the bindingTemplate with the specified key is being imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0020I: Importing tModel, tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the tModel with the specified key is being imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0021I: Importing referenced tModel, tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the referenced tModel with the specified key is being imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0022I: Imported <entity count> entities.

Explanation: Indicates that the import function completed, and shows the number of entities imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0023I: Deleting entities ...

Explanation: Indicates the delete function has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0024I: Deleting business, businessKey[<business key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessEntity with the specified key is being deleted.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0025I: Deleting service, serviceKey[<service key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the businessService with the specified key is being deleted.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0026I: Deleting binding, bindingKey[<binding key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the bindingTemplate with the specified key is being deleted.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0027I: Deleting tModel, tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates that the tModel with the specified key is being deleted.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0028I: Deleted <entity count> entities.

Explanation: Indicates that the delete function completed, and shows the number of entities deleted.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0029I: Serializing ...

Explanation: Indicates that generation of the Entity Definition File has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0030I: Serialized entities.

Explanation: Indicates that generation of the Entity Definition File completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0031I: Deserializing ...

Explanation: Indicates that reading of the Entity Definition File and creation of UDDI entities has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0032I: Deserialized entities.

Explanation: Indicates that reading of the Entity Definition File and creation of UDDI entities completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0033I: Function '<function>' completed successfully.

Explanation: Indicates the requested function completed successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0034W: Function '<function>' did not complete successfully. See messages log for further information.

Explanation: Indicates the requested function did not complete successfully.

User Response: The messages log may yield further information if the verbose option is on. Check the configuration properties file setting are correct. If that does not identify the problem, try running with trace logging enabled. If that does not yield a solution, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0035W: Parser error: <warning description>

Explanation: The XML parser reports a warning about the content of the Entity Definition File.

User Response: Based on the context of the warning message, check the validity of the Entity Definition File.

CWUDU0036E: Parser error <error description>

Explanation: The XML parser reports an error about the content of the Entity Definition File.

User Response: Based on the context of the error message, check the validity of the Entity Definition File.

CWUDU0037E: Unrecognized parser feature: <feature description>

Explanation: A parser feature set by the UDDI Utility Tools is not recognized by the parser.

User Response: Check you are using the correct type and level of XML parser. If correct, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0038E: Unsupported parser feature: <feature description>

Explanation: A parser feature set by the UDDI Utility Tools is not supported by the parser.

User Response: Check you are using the correct type and level of XML parser. If correct, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0039E: Unrecognized parser property: <property description>, value: <value>

Explanation: A parser property set by the UDDI Utility Tools is not recognized by the parser.

User Response: Check you are using the correct type and level of XML parser. If correct, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0040E: Unsupported parser property: <property description>, value: <value>

Explanation: A parser property set by the UDDI Utility Tools is not supported by the parser.

User Response: Check you are using the correct type and level of XML parser. If correct, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0042E: Unable to find the configuration file: <filepath>

Explanation: UDDI Utility Tools cannot locate the specified configuration file.

User Response: UDDI Utility Tools looks for a default configuration properties with the file name '' in the current directory. Check that the configuration file has this name, or that the argument value supplied with the '-properties' option is pointing at a file that exists.

CWUDU0043E: An Exception occurred trying to read the configuration file.

Explanation: The configuration file could not be read.

User Response: Check the file path points to a valid file and that the current user has permission to read the file.

CWUDU0044W: Configuration file is missing the '<property name>' property.

Explanation: A required property is missing from the configuration file.

User Response: Add the missing property name and value to the configuration file. Check that the property name is not misspelled.

CWUDU0045W: Property: '<property name>' has value '<property value>'. It must be either 'true' or 'false'.

Explanation: A value was given to a property other than 'true' or 'false'.

User Response: Set the property value to 'true' or 'false'.

CWUDU0046W: Property: '<property name>' has value '<property value>'. It must be an integer value.

Explanation: A value was given to a property other than an integer value.

User Response: Set the property value to an integer value.

CWUDU0047E: Unable to find the keyFile file: <keys file path>

Explanation: The keys file could not be located at the specified path.

User Response: Check the file name and path and correct and that the file exists.

CWUDU0048E: Unable to read the keyFile file: <keys file path>

Explanation: The keys file could not be read due to an IO error.

User Response: Check that the current user has permission to read the file.

CWUDU0049E: Unable to write to entity definition file: <entity definition file path>

Explanation: During serialization, the Entity Definition File could not be written to.

User Response: Check the file's read only attribute is not set.

CWUDU0050E: Unable to find UDDI Entity definition file: <entity definition file path>

Explanation: The Entity Definition File could not be found at the specified file path.

User Response: Check the file path is correct and that the file exists.

CWUDU0051E: Unable to read UDDI Entity definition file: <entity definition file path>

Explanation: The Entity Definition File could not be read due to an IO error.

User Response: Check that the current user has permission to read the file.

CWUDU0052E: Unable to close the message file: <file path>

Explanation: The attempt to close the message log file failed.

User Response: The disk might be full. If so, clear some space or direct log output to a different disk.

CWUDU0053E: Unable to close the trace file: <file path>

Explanation: The attempt to close the trace log file failed.

User Response: The disk might be full. If so, clear some space or direct log output to a different disk.

CWUDU0054E: The logger was unable to find the file: <file path>

Explanation: The UDDI Utility Tools logger could not find the specified file.

User Response: None.


Explanation: General purpose error message used in development only.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0056E: Exception:

Explanation: General purpose message prefix used for reporting exceptions.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0057W: Only one function may be specified on the command line.

Explanation: Multiple function commands were entered on the command line.

User Response: Specify one function in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0058W: No function was specified.

Explanation: UDDI Utility Tools was invoked with no function specified.

User Response: Specify one function in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0059W: The function: <function> was not recognized.

Explanation: The function value did not match any of the allowed functions.

User Response: Specify one function in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0060W: The argument '<argument>' was not recognized.

Explanation: The argument value does not match any of the allowed arguments.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0061W: There was a missing value for <argument> argument.

Explanation: An expected value for the specified argument was not supplied.

User Response: Specify a value for the argument in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0062W: Unexpected argument: <argument> (entity key file is already specified).

Explanation: The entity type argument cannot be specified if the keysFile argument has already been specified.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0063W: Unexpected argument: <argument> (entity key is already specified).

Explanation: The keysFile argument cannot be specified if an entity type argument and key value has already been specified.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0064W: Argument: <argument> cannot be specified more than once.

Explanation: An argument was specified twice in the same command.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0065E: No entity keys were specified.

Explanation: A keys file or an entity type and key value must be specified for functions using keys.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0066E: Could not load Database driver: dbDriver<database driver>.

Explanation: The specified database driver could not be loaded.

User Response: Check the database driver value in the configuration file is valid, and the driver's class is present in the classpath property.

CWUDU0067E: Could not create Database connection: dbUrl, dbUser, (dbPasswd not shown).

Explanation: A connection could not be established with the database at the specified URL with the specified userid.

User Response: Check the database URL, userid and password values are correct n the configuration file, and that the database manager is running.

CWUDU0068E: Could not close the database connection.

Explanation: An attempt to close the database connection failed.

User Response: If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0069E: Could not create minimal entity for tModel.

Explanation: The minimal data necessary for a valid tModel could not be inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: Check the database URL, userid and password values are correct in the configuration file, and that the database manager is running.

CWUDU0070E: Could not create minimal entity for Service.

Explanation: The minimal data necessary for a valid businessService could not be inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: Check the database URL, userid and password values are correct in the configuration file, and that the database manager is running.

CWUDU0071E: Could not create minimal entity for Business.

Explanation: The minimal data necessary for a valid businessEntity could not be inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: Check the database URL, userid and password values are correct in the configuration file, and that the database manager is running.

CWUDU0072E: Could not create minimal entity for Binding.

Explanation: The minimal data necessary for a valid bindingTemplate could not be inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: Check the database URL, userid and password values are correct in the configuration file, and that the database manager is running.

CWUDU0073E: There was an error while trying to create an XML Document.

Explanation: An attempt to create the Entity Definition File failed.

User Response: Check the file path specified in the configuration file for the Entity Definition File is valid and is not set to be read only.

CWUDU0074E: There was an error parsing the entity definition file.

Explanation: An unspecified error occurred when parsing the Entity Definition File.

User Response: Check the entity definition file content is valid according to the UDDI Utility Tools schema file, promoter.xsd.

CWUDU0075E: One or more errors occurred while parsing the entity definition file. See message log for details.

Explanation: Errors occurred when parsing the Entity Definition File.

User Response: Check the entity definition file content is valid according to the UDDI Utility Tools schema file, promoter.xsd.

CWUDU0076W: One or more warnings were raised while parsing the entity definition file. See message log for details.

Explanation: Warnings occurred when parsing the Entity Definition File.

User Response: Check the entity definition file content is valid according to the UDDI Utility Tools schema file, promoter.xsd.

CWUDU0078E: Unable to obtain authinfo.

Explanation: AuthInfo could not be obtained from the UDDI registry with the given userid and password.

User Response: Check the userid and password property values are correct in the configuration file.

CWUDU0079E: The inquiryURL is malformed: <inquiry URL>.

Explanation: The inquiry URL specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Correct the value for the inquiry URLs (fromInquiryURL and toInquiryURL) in the configuration file.

CWUDU0080E: The publishURL is malformed: <publish URL>

Explanation: The publish URL specified in the configuration file is not valid.

User Response: Correct the value for the publish URL (toPublishURL) in the configuration file.

CWUDU0081E: Could not get tModel detail for tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: The get tModel operation failed on the source registry.

User Response: Check the key exists in the source registry.

CWUDU0082E: Could not get service detail for serviceKey[<service key>].

Explanation: The get service operation failed on the source registry.

User Response: Check the key exists in the source registry.

CWUDU0083E: Could not get business detail for businessKey[<business key>].

Explanation: The get business operation failed on the source registry.

User Response: Check the key exists in the source registry.

CWUDU0084E: Could not get binding detail for bindingKey[<binding key>].

Explanation: The get binding operation failed on the source registry.

User Response: check the key exists in the source registry.

CWUDU0085E: Could not save tModel for tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: The publish operation failed at the target registry.

User Response: Check the tModel is not referencing another entity (such as a tModel) that is not present in the target registry. This may occur if the 'importReferenced' property is set to 'false'. Specify referenced tModels in the referencedtModels section of the Entity Definition File and set 'importReferenced' property in the configuration file to 'true'.

CWUDU0086E: Could not save business for businessKey[<business key>].

Explanation: The publish operation failed at the target registry.

User Response: Check the businessEntity is not referencing another entity (such as a tModel) that is not present in the target registry. This may occur if the 'importReferenced' property is set to 'false'. Specify referenced tModels in the referencedtModels section of the Entity Definition File and set 'importReferenced' property in the configuration file to 'true'.

CWUDU0087E: Could not save service for parent businessKey[<business key>].

Explanation: The publish operation failed at the target registry.

User Response: Check the businessEntity specified as the parent of the businessService exists in the target registry.

CWUDU0088E: Could not save binding for parent serviceKey[<service key>].

Explanation: The publish operation failed at the target registry.

User Response: Check the businessService specified as the parent of the bindingTemplate exists in the target registry.

CWUDU0089W: Did not save service for serviceKey[<service key>] because parent business did not exist.

Explanation: The parent business for the specified businessService does not exist.

User Response: Check the key value for the parent entity is correct in the Entity Definition File, and that the entity exists in the target registry.

CWUDU0090W: Did not save binding for bindingKey[<binding key>] because parent service did not exist.

Explanation: The parent service for the specified bindingTemplate does not exist.

User Response: Check the key value for the parent entity is correct in the Entity Definition File, and that the entity exists in the target registry.

CWUDU0091E: Could not delete business for businessKey[<businness key>].

Explanation: The UDDI4J operation to delete the businessEntity with the specified key failed.

User Response: Check the userid and password property values in the configuration file and that the entity exists in the target UDDI registry.

CWUDU00921E: Could not delete service for serviceKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: The UDDI4J operation to delete the businessService with the specified key failed.

User Response: Check the userid and password property values in the configuration file and that the entity exists in the target UDDI registry.

CWUDU0093E: Could not delete binding for bindingKey[<binding key>].

Explanation: The UDDI4J operation to delete the bindingTemplate with the specified key failed.

User Response: Check the userid and password property values in the configuration file and that the entity exists in the target UDDI registry.

CWUDU0094E: Could not delete tModel for tModelKey[<tModel key>].

Explanation: The UDDI4J operation to delete the tModel with the specified key failed.

User Response: Check the userid and password property values in the configuration file and that the entity exists in the target UDDI registry.

CWUDU0096W: <entity type><key value> is not a valid UUID.

Explanation: The key value entered does not comply with the format specified for a UUID in the UDDI specification.

User Response: Enter a valid UUID key.

CWUDU0097W: Did not save tModel for tModelKey[<tModel key>] as it already exists. Use the -overwrite argument to overwrite the tModel.

Explanation: The tModel was not saved because the overwrite property is false

User Response: If the desired action is to overwrite existing entities, specify -overwrite on the command line or set the overwrite property in the configuration file to true.

CWUDU0098W: Did not save business for businessKey[<business key>] as it already exists. Use the -overwrite argument to overwrite the business.

Explanation: The businessEntity was not saved because the overwrite property is false

User Response: If the desired action is to overwrite existing entities, specify -overwrite on the command line or set the overwrite property in the configuration file to true.

CWUDU0099W: Did not save service for serviceKey[<service key key>] as it already exists. Use the -overwrite argument to overwrite the service.

Explanation: The businessService was not saved because the overwrite property is false

User Response: If the desired action is to overwrite existing entities, specify -overwrite on the command line or set the overwrite property in the configuration file to true.

CWUDU0100W: Did not save binding for bindingKey[<binding key key>] as it already exists. Use the -overwrite argument to overwrite the binding.

Explanation: The bindingTemplate was not saved because the overwrite property is false

User Response: If the desired action is to overwrite existing entities, specify -overwrite on the command line or set the overwrite property in the configuration file to true.

CWUDU0101W: Bad entity type: received<entity type>, expected <tModel|business|service|binding>.

Explanation: The entered entity type was not recognized.

User Response: Specify arguments in accordance with the usage message.

CWUDU0102E: Promotion failed.

Explanation: The promote function failed to complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties file has correct settings.

CWUDU0106E: Unable to commit transaction.

Explanation: The insertion of minimal entity data during the import function failed to commit to the database.

User Response: Check the database configuration. If necessary, turn on trace logging and look for the SQLException that is recorded.

CWUDU0107E: Unable to set auto-commit off on the database connection.

Explanation: UDDI Utility Tools needs to control commits of data changes, however the attempt to turn off auto-commit failed.

User Response: Check the database configuration. If necessary, turn on trace logging and look for the SQLExecption that is recorded.

CWUDU0109E: The import function requires a UDDI entity definition file to be specified.

Explanation: A required argument value was not supplied.

User Response: Specify -definition <path to Entity Definition File> on the command line, or set the value of the UDDIEntityDefinitionFile property in the configuration file to the path to the Entity Definition File.

CWUDU0110E: A cyclic dependency exists in the referenced tModels. The reference from tModel with key [<tModel key>] to the tModel with key [<tModel key>] completes the detected cycle.

Explanation: A cycle has been detected such that a tModel is being referenced by a tModel that it directly or indirectly references. This would cause the UDDI Utility Tools to enter an infinite loop trying to import referenced tModels, so the process is halted.

User Response: Edit the Entity Definition File and temporarily remove the reference to the tModel in the cycle, taking a note of the referenced details. After the import has successfully completed, update the tModel in the target registry to reintroduce the reference you previously removed. This can be done using the UDDI User Console, UDDI4J, or by creating a new Entity Definition File with just the tModel to be updated, and running the UDDI Utility Tools with the import function.

CWUDU0112E: An unexpected exception has occurred: <Exception message>.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred.

User Response: Check configuration file settings and all registries and databases are active. If necessary, contact your IBM support center.

CWUDU0113E: Could not get a response from UDDI registry at URL: <URL>.

Explanation: A TransPortException occurred while performing an UDDI4J operation on the UDDI registry at the specified URL.

User Response: Check configuration properties for the UDDI registry in question and ensure the UDDI registry is active.

CWUDU0114E: An IOException occurred trying to invoke 'java'.

Explanation: When UDDI Utility Tools was invoked using the java -jar syntax, the invocation of the second JVM failed.

User Response: Check configuration property 'classpath' value is correct, and that Java is configured to run from the command line.

CWUDU0115I: Imported <entity count> entities and <referenced entity count> referenced entities.

Explanation: Indicate that the import step of the import or promote function has completed, showing the number of entities imported.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0116W: Not all minimal entities could be removed. The following remain in the database:

Explanation: A publish step was not successful which may have left one or more minimal entities in the target registry database. UDDI Utility Tools attempts to remove these minimal entities but in this case, the removal has failed. Following messages will indicate which minimal entities are left in the target registry.

User Response: We can attempt to remove the minimal entities using normal methods, such as the user console, UDDI4J, or using the delete function of the UDDI Utility Tools.

CWUDU0117W: Business minimal entities with businessKey [<business key>] has not been removed from the database.

Explanation: A business minimal entity was orphaned in the target registry database and attempts to remove it failed.

User Response: Identify the orphaned minimal entity in the target and attempt to remove using normal UDDI delete methods, or by using the delete function of the UDDI Utility Tools.

CWUDU0118W: Service minimal entity with serviceKey [<service key>] has not been removed from the database.

Explanation: A service minimal entity was orphaned in the target registry database and attempts to remove it failed.

User Response: Identify the orphaned minimal entity in the target registry and attempt to remove using normal UDDI delete methods, or by using the delete function of the UDDI Utility Tools.

CWUDU0119W: Binding Template minimal entity with bindingKey [<binding key>] has not been removed from the database.

Explanation: A binding minimal entity was orphaned in the target registry database and attempts to remove it failed.

User Response: Identify the orphaned minimal entity in the target registry and attempt to remove using normal UDDI delete methods, or by using the delete function of the UDDI Utility Tools.

CWUDU0120W: TModel minimal entity with tModelKey [<tModel key>] has not been removed from the database.

Explanation: A tModel minimal entity was orphaned in the target registry database and attempts to remove it failed.

User Response: Identify the orphaned minimal entity in the target registry and attempt to remove using normal UDDI delete methods, or by using the delete function of the UDDI Utility Tools.

CWUDU0121I: Created business minimal entity with businessKey [<business key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a businessEntity has successfully been inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0122I: Created service minimal entity with serviceKey [<service key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a businessService has successfully been inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0123I: Created binding template minimal entity with bindingKey [<binding key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a bindingTemplate has successfully been inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0124I: Created tModel minimal entity with tModelKey [<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a tModel has successfully been inserted in the target UDDI registry database.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0125I: Deleted business minimal entity with businessKey [<business key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data inserted for a businessEntity was successfully removed from the target UDDI registry database. This would normally happen after a publish operation has failed.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0126I: Deleted service minimal entity with serviceKey [<service key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a businessService was successfully removed from the target UDDI registry database. This would normally happen after a publish operation has failed.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0127I: Deleted binding template minimal entity with bindingKey [<binding key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a bindingTemplate was successfully removed from the target UDDI registry database. This would normally happen after a publish operation has failed.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0128I: Deleted tModel minimal entity with tModelKey [<tModel key>].

Explanation: Indicates the minimal data required for a tModel was successfully removed from the target UDDI registry database. This would normally happen after a publish operation has failed.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0129E: Find related businesses failed.

Explanation: The UDDI4J find related businesses operation did not complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties for the source registry, such as fromInquiryURL.

CWUDU0130E: Find businesses failed.

Explanation: The UDDI4J find businesses operation did not complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties for the source registry, such as fromInquiryURL.

CWUDU0131E: Find services failed.

Explanation: The UDDI4J find services operation did not complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties for the source registry, such as fromInquiryURL.

CWUDU0132E: Find tModels failed.

Explanation: The UDDI4J find tModels operation did not complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties for the source registry, such as fromInquiryURL.

CWUDU0133E: Find bindings failed.

Explanation: The UDDI4J find bindings operation did not complete.

User Response: Check the configuration properties for the source registry, such as fromInquiryURL.

CWUDU0134I: Performing inquiry request ...

Explanation: Indicated the find operation for selecting keys has started.

User Response: None.

CWUDU0135I: Extracted keys from inquiry results.

Explanation: Indicates the find operation to select keys has completed successfully.

User Response: None

CWUDU0136E: node ID value could not be found in UDDI database.

Explanation: The UDDI registries Node ID could not be found in the UDDI database.

User Response: Check that the UDDI application and database have initialized correctly.

CWUDU0137E: Unexpected database SQL exception: <SQL Exception Message>.

Explanation: An unexpected SQL Exception has been encountered.

User Response: Examine the SQL Exception Message to determine the cause of the problem.

CWUDU0138E: Could not delete minimal entity for tModel with tModelKey[<tModel Key>].

Explanation: The entity with the supplied tModel key could not be located and therefore deleted.

User Response: Ensure tModel key is correct.

CWUDU0139E: Could not delete minimal entity for Service with serviceKey[<Service Key>].

Explanation: The entity with the supplied Service key could not be located and therefore deleted.

User Response: Ensure Service key is correct.

CWUDU0140E: Could not delete minimal entity for Business with businessKey[<Business Key>].

Explanation: The entity with the supplied Business Key could not be located and therefore deleted.

User Response: Ensure Business key is correct.

CWUDU0141E: Could not delete minimal entity for Binding with bindingKey[<Binding Key>].

Explanation: The entity with the supplied Binding key could not be located and therefore deleted.

User Response:

CWUDU0142E: Invalid sequence number for service: <Sequence Number>.

Explanation: The ServiceStub has an invalid sequence number.

User Response: Ensure the sequence number is greater than zero.

CWUDU0143E: Invalid sequence number for binding: <Sequence Number>.

Explanation: The BindingStub has an invalid sequence number.

User Response: Ensure the sequence number is greater than zero.




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