CWUDXnnnns (Web Services JAXR) messages
- CWUDX0001E: Caught UDDIException on <UDDI API name>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a RegistryException thrown by any of the following methods:
- Any method which necessitates sending a request to the UDDI registry.
The JAXR provider caught a org.uddi4j.UDDIException while sending a request to the UDDI registry.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause UDDIException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0002E: Caught TransportException sending request to registry
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a RegistryException thrown by any of the following methods:
- Any method which necessitates sending a request to the UDDI registry.
The JAXR provider caught a org.uddi4j.TransportException while sending a request to the UDDI registry.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause TransportException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0003E: AccessURI and TargetBinding are mutually exclusive
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- ServiceBinding.setAccessURI(String uri)
- ServiceBinding.setTargetBinding(ServiceBinding binding)
An attempt was made to set both the AccessURI and the TargetBinding of a ServiceBinding.
- User Response: The user should set only one of AccessURI and TargetBinding.
- CWUDX0004E: Source object of an Association must be an Organization
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by the following method:
- Association.setSourceObject(RegistryObject srcObject)
The object passed to the setSourceObject method was not an Organization.
- User Response: The user should only pass Organization objects to the setSourceObject method.
- CWUDX0005E: Source and target objects of an Association must be set in order to save
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.confirmAssociation(Association assoc)
- BusinesslifeCycleManager.saveAssociations(Collection associations, boolean replace)
- LifeCycleManager.saveObjects(Collection objects) when objects are Associations
An attempt was made to save an Association that did not have both source and target objects set.
- User Response: The user should only attempt to save Associations which have both source and target objects set.
- CWUDX0006E: Target object of an Association must be an Organization
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by the following method:
- Association.setTargetObject(RegistryObject targetObject)
The object passed to the setTargetObject method was not an Organization.
- User Response: The user should only pass Organization objects to the setTargetObject method.
- CWUDX0007E: Format of associationKey is incorrect. Correct format is <sourceObjectKey>:<targetObjectKey>:<associationType> : <associationKey>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.deleteAssociations(Collection associationKeys)
The user passed an associationKey to the deleteAssociations method that did not have the correct format.
- User Response: The user should ensure that associationKeys passed to the deleteAssociations method have the correct format.
- CWUDX0008E: AssociationType Concept must come from the AssociationType enumeration, and have value either HasChild , HasParent, RelatedTo or EquivalentTo
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessQueryManager.findAssociations(Collection findQualifiers, String sourceObjectId, String targetObjectId, Collection associationTypes)
- BusinessQueryManager.findCallerAssociations(Collection findQualifiers, Boolean confirmedByCaller, Boolean confirmedByOtherParty, Collection associationTypes)
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.confirmAssociation(Association assoc)
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.saveAssociations(Collection associations, boolean replace)
- LifeCycleManager.saveObjects(Collection objects) when objects are Associations
When finding Associations, the user passed a Concept in the associationTypes Collection that was from the AssociationType enumeration, but did not have a value that is valid for UDDI. When saving Associations, the user passed an Association whose associationType Concept was from the AssociationType enumeration, but did not have a value that is valid for UDDI.
- User Response: The user should only use Concepts for associationTypes that are from the AssociationType enumeration and have value either HasChild, HasParent, RelatedTo or EquivalentTo.
- CWUDX0009E: AssocationType Concept must come from the AssociationType enumeration
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessQueryManager.findAssociations(Collection findQualifiers, String sourceObjectId, String targetObjectId, Collection associationTypes)
- BusinessQueryManager.findCallerAssociations(Collection findQualifiers, Boolean confirmedByCaller, Boolean confirmedByOtherParty, Collection associationTypes)
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.confirmAssociation(Association assoc)
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.saveAssociations(Collection associations, boolean replace)
- LifeCycleManager.saveObjects(Collection objects) when objects are Associations
When finding Associations, the user passed a Concept that was not from the AssociationType enumeration in the associationTypes Collection. When saving Associations, the user passed an Association whose associationType Concept was not from the AssociationType enumeration.
- User Response: The user should only use Concepts from the AssociationType enumeration for associationTypes.
- CWUDX0010E: Cannot create a ClassificationScheme from a taxonomy Concept
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- LifeCycleManager.createClassificationScheme(Concept concept)
The user passed a taxonomy Concept to the createClassificationScheme method.
- User Response: This method is provided to allow for Concepts returned by the BusinessQueryManager.findConcepts call to be safely converted to ClassificationScheme. It is up to the programmer to make sure that the Concept is indeed semantically a ClassificationScheme.
- CWUDX0011E: Connection is closed
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- All methods of BusinessQueryManager and BusinessLifeCycleManager.
- The saveObjects and deleteObjects methods of LifeCycleManager.
- The saveObjects and deleteObjects methods of LifeCycleManager.
The user called a method that required a connection to the registry after they had closed the Connection by calling the Connection.close() method.
- User Response: The user should not call methods that require a connection to the registry after the Connection has been closed.
- CWUDX0012E: ConnectionFactory properties are not set
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The createConnection() method was called before the properties had been set on the ConnectionFactory.
- User Response: Ensure that the ConnectionFactory properties have been set before attempting to create a Connection.
- CWUDX0013E: Could not create DocumentBuilder
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- RegistryService.makeRegistrySpecificRequest(String request)
The JAXR provider caught a javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException while attempting to initialize the XML parser.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause ParserConfigurationException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0014E: Could not parse XML input stream
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- RegistryService.makeRegistrySpecificRequest(String request)
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to parse the XML request.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0015E: Could not serialize XML response
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- RegistryService.makeRegistrySpecificRequest(String request)
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to serialize the XML response.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0016E: Interface name of object to create not specified
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- LifeCycleManager.createObject(String interfaceName)
The user passed a null interfaceName to the createObject method.
- User Response: The user should ensure they only pass a valid interfaceName to the createObject method.
- CWUDX0017W: Enumeration data file <filename> contains an invalid line: <line>
- Explanation: This warning message will go to System.err if the JAXR provider encounters an invalid line in an enumeration data file while the Connection is initialized. The JAXR provider will ignore the invalid line. Otherwise the JAXR provider will be unaffected.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the enumeration data file is valid in order to use all members of the enumeration. The correct format of each line is <enumeration name><separator char><concept value>.
- CWUDX0018E: Could not read enumeration data file: <filename>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection(
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to read an enumeration data file.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0019W: file contains an invalid property value: <property value>
- Explanation: This warning message will go to System.err if the JAXR provider encounters an invalid property value in the file while the Connection is initializsed. The JAXR provider will ignore the invalid property, and hence ignore the corresponding enumeration. Otherwise the JAXR provider will be unaffected.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the file is valid in order to use all enumerations. The correct format of each line is <enumeration ID>=<enumeration name>,<data filename>,<separator char>
- CWUDX0020E: An IOException occurred while attempting to read the file
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to read the file.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0021E: An IOException occurred while attempting to read the file
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to read the file.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0022E: External URI is malformed: <External URI>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ExternalLink.setExternalURI(String uri)
A malformed URI was passed to the setExternalURI method when URI validation has set to true by passing true to the ExternalLink.setValidateURI(boolean validate) method.
- User Response: Either the user should ensure that the URI is well formed, or URI validation should be set to false.
- CWUDX0023E: External URI is not accessible: <External URI>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ExternalLink.setExternalURI(String uri)
An inaccessible URI was passed to the setExternalURI method when URI validation has set to true by passing true to the ExternalLink.setValidateURI(boolean validate) method.
- User Response: Either the user should ensure that the URI is accessible, or URI validation should be set to false.
- CWUDX0024E: Invalid interface name: <interface name>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- LifeCycleManager.createObject(String interfaceName)
The user passed an invalid interface name to the createObject method.
- User Response: The user should only pass valid interface names to the createObject method. Valid interface names are public final static String fields of the LifeCycleManager class.
- CWUDX0025E: Cannot change the ClassificationScheme of an internal Classification
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Classification.setClassificationScheme(ClassificationScheme classificationScheme)
The user called the setClassificationScheme method of an internal Classification.
- User Response: The user should not attempt to modify the ClassificationScheme of an internal Classification directly. The ClassificationScheme of an internal Classification is determined by the Classification's Concept and cannot be modified independently.
- CWUDX0026E: Cannot change the name of an internal Classification
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Classification.setName(InternationalString name
The user called the setName method of an internal Classification.
- User Response: The user should not attempt to modify the name of an internal Classification directly. The name of an internal Classification is determined by the Classification's Concept and cannot be modified independently.
- CWUDX0027E: Cannot change the value of an internal Classification
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Classification.setValue(String value)
The user called the setValue method of an internal Classification.
- User Response: The user should not attempt to modify the value of an internal Classification directly. The value of an internal Classification is determined by the Classification's Concept and cannot be modified independently.
- CWUDX0028E: The Concept of an internal Classification must have a parent ClassificationScheme
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Classification.setConcept(Concept concept)
The user passed a non-null Concept without a parent ClassificationScheme to the setConcept method.
- User Response: Setting a Classification's Concept causes a Classification to become internal. The Classification's ClassificationScheme is then set to the parent ClassificationScheme of the Concept. If the Concept has no parent ClassificationScheme (in other words, it is not a taxonomy Concept), this error will be encountered. The user should therefore only pass taxonomy Concepts to the setConcept method.
- CWUDX0029E: Taxonomy Concepts cannot be saved as UDDI tModels
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessLifeCycleManager.saveConcepts(Collection concepts)
- LifeCycleManager.saveObjects(Collection objects) when the objects are Concepts.
The user attempted to save a taxonomy Concept as a UDDI tModel in the registry.
- User Response: Taxonomy Concepts cannot be saved as tModels in a UDDI registry. They are used to classify objects saved in the registry but cannot be saved independently. The user should not attempt to save taxonomy Concepts in the registry.
- CWUDX0030E: The parent RegistryObject of a taxonomy Concept must be either a Concept or a ClassificationScheme
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by any of the following methods:
- LifeCycleManager.createConcept(RegistryObject parent, InternationalString name, String value)
- LifeCycleManager.createConcept(RegistryObject parent, String name, String value)
The user attempted to create a taxonomy Concept whose parent was not a Concept or a ClassificationScheme.
- User Response: The parent of a taxonomy Concept can only be another Concept or a ClassificationScheme, so the user should only attempt to set one of these as the parent of a taxonomy Concept.
- CWUDX0031E: Concept does not have a parent, therefore does not have a path
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Concept.getPath()
The user called the getPath() method on a Concept that was not a taxonomy Concept. Only taxonomy Concepts have parents.
- User Response: Only taxonomy Concepts have parents, therefore only taxonomy Concepts have paths. The user should not attempt to call the getPath() method on a Concept that is not a taxonomy Concept.
- CWUDX0032E: Concept does not have a value, therefore does not have a path
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Concept.getPath()
The user called the getPath() method on a Concept that did not have a value.
- User Response: A Concept must have a value in order to have a path, so the user should not attempt to call the getPath() method on Concepts that do not have a value.
- CWUDX0033E: Concept's parent ClassificationScheme does not have an ID, therefore the Concept does not have a path
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Concept.getPath()
The user called the getPath() method on a Concept whose ClassificationScheme did not have an ID.
- User Response: A Concept's ClassificationScheme must have an ID in order for the Concept to have a path. The user should not attempt to call the getPath() method on a Concept whose ClassificationScheme does not have an ID.
- CWUDX0034E: The ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.uddi.maxRows does not contain a parsable integer:<javax.xml.registry.uddi.maxRows property value>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The user called the createConnection method when the ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.uddi.maxRows did not contain a parsable integer.
- User Response: The user should ensure that if the javax.xml.registry.uddi.maxRows ConnectionFactory property is set that it contains a parsable integer.
- CWUDX0035E: Invalid UDDI XML String
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by the following method:
- RegistryService.makeRegistrySpecificRequest(String xmlString)
The String passed to the makeRegistrySpecificRequest method was not valid XML.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the String passed to the makeRegistrySpecificRequest method is valid XML.
- CWUDX0036E: The ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.lifeCycleManagerURL specifies a malformed URL
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The user called the createConnection method when the ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.lifeCycleManagerURL contained a malformed URL.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the javax.xml.registry.lifeCycleManagerURL ConnectionFactory property contains a well formed URL.
- CWUDX0037E: The ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL specifies a malformed URL
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The user called the createConnection method when the ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL contained a malformed URL.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL ConnectionFactory property contains a well formed URL.
- CWUDX0038E: Multiple matches on find ClassificationScheme by name
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- BusinessQueryManager.findClassificationSchemeByName(Collection findQualifiers, String namePattern)
More than one ClassificationScheme was found that matched the search criteria.
- User Response: The user should narrow their search criteria to find only one ClassificationScheme.
- CWUDX0039E: Invalid objectType: <object type>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- LifeCycleManager.deleteObjects(Collection keys, String objectType)
- QueryManager.getRegistryObjects(String objectType)
- QueryManager.getRegistryObject(String id, String objectType)
- QueryManager.getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys, String objectType)
The user passed an invalid objectType to one of the above methods.
- User Response: The user should ensure they pass a valid objectType to the above methods. The valid objectTypes for these methods are
The deletObjects method also accepts an objectType of LifeCycleManager.ASSOCIATION.LifeCycleManager.CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME LifeCycleManager.CONCEPT LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION LifeCycleManager.SERVICE LifeCycleManager.SERVICE_BINDING- CWUDX0040E: Cannot save objects of type: <object class>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by the following method:
- LifeCyclemanager.saveObjects(Collection objects)
An object was passed to the saveObjects method of a type that cannot be saved directly in the registry.
- User Response: The user should ensure that objects passed to the saveObjects method are of a valid type. Valid types are Association, ClassificationScheme, Concept, Organization, Service and ServiceBinding.
- CWUDX0041E: RegistryObject is a ClassificationScheme not a Concept: <RegistryObject ID>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a FindException thrown by any of the following methods:
- QueryManager.getRegistryObject(String id, String objectType)
- QueryManager.getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys, String objectType)
An objectType of LifeCycleManager.CONCEPT was passed to one of the above methods, but the id or one of the objectKeys was that of a ClassificationScheme.
- User Response: The user should ensure that they specify the correct objectType corresponding to the object keys.
- CWUDX0042E: RegistryObject is a Concept not a ClassificationScheme: <RegistryObject ID>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a FindException thrown by any of the following methods:
- QueryManager.getRegistryObject(String id, String objectType)
- QueryManager.getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys, String objectType)
An objectType of LifeCycleManager.CLASSIFICATIONSCHEME was passed to one of the above methods, but the id or one of the objectKeys was that of a Concept.
- User Response: The user should ensure that they specify the correct objectType corresponding to the object keys.
- CWUDX0043E: RequestID not found: <RequestID>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- RegistryService.getBulkResponse(String requestId
The requestId specified was not found.
- User Response: The user should only pass valid requestIds to the getBulkResponse method. Note that once the getBulkResponse method has been called once for a particular requestId, that requestId is removed from the cache and subsequent calls to getBulkResponse passing that requestId will result in an InvalidRequestException.
- CWUDX0044E: <concept path> is not a valid path of a concept in a defined internal taxonomy
- Explanation: This message will go to System.err when a Connection is created if the javax.xml.registry.semanticEquivalences ConnectionFactory property defines a semantic equivalence between a Concept in the PostalAddressAttributes enumeration and a Concept which has not been defined in any internal taxonomy.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the Concept paths used in the javax.xml.registry.semanticEquivalences ConnectionFactory property have been defined in a internal taxonomy.
- CWUDX0045W: Semantic equivalence pair does not have exactly 2 elements: <keyPair>
- Explanation: This message will go to System.err when a Connection is created if the javax.xml.registry.semanticEquivalences ConnectionFactory contains a keyPair which contains more than two elements.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the javax.xml.registry.semanticEquivalences ConnectionFactory property has the correct format, as defined in the JAXR specification.
- CWUDX0046E: Semantic equivalence pair does not contain a key in the postalAddressAttributes enumeration: <keyPair>
- Explanation: This message will go to System.err when a Connection is created if the javax.xml.registry.semanticEquivalences ConnectionFactory contains a keyPair which does not contain the path of a Concept in the PostalAddressAttributes enumeration. Semantic equivalences for a UDDI JAXR providers are only allowed for Concepts in the PostalAddressAttributes enumeration.
- User Response: The user should only attempt to define semantic equivalences for Concepts in the PostalAddressAttributes enumeration.
- CWUDX0047E: Invalid Slot name: <Slot name>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- All methods of the ExtensibleObject interface.
The user passed an invalid slot name to one of the methods of the ExtensibleObject interface.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the slot name is valid for the particular instance of ExtensibleObject.
- CWUDX0048E: A Slot instance cannot have duplicate values
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- Slot.setValues(Collection values)
The user passed a collection of values to the setValues method that contained duplicate values.
- User Response: The user should pass only a collection of unique values to setValues method.
- CWUDX0049E: A sortCode Slot must have only 1 value
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- PostalAddress.addSlot(Slot slot)
The user passed a Slot with name Slot.SORT_CODE_SLOT and multiple values to the addSlot method.
- User Response: When adding a Slot with name Slot.SORT_CODE_SLOT to a PostalAddress, the user should ensure that it only has 1 value.
- CWUDX0050E: A specificationLink can only have one ExternalLink
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- SpecificationLink.addExternalLink(ExternalLink externalLink)
- SpecificationLink.addExternalLinks(Collection externalLinks)
- SpecificationLink.setExternalLinks(Collection externalLinks)
The user attempted to give a SpecificationLink more than one ExternalLink. A SpecificationLink may only have one ExternalLink.
- User Response: The user should give a SpecificationLink a maximum of one ExternalLink.
- CWUDX0051E: A SpecificationLink can only have one UsageParameter
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- SpecificationLink.setUsageParameters(Collection usageParameters)
The user attempted to give the SpecificationLink more than one usage parameter. A SpecificationLink can only have one usage parameter.
- User Response: The user should give a SpecificationLink a maximum of one usage parameter.
- CWUDX0052E: SpecificationObject must be a Concept with no parent
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by any of the following methods:
- SpecificationLink.setSpecificationObject(RegistryObject obj)
The user attempted to set a Concept with a parent (that is, a taxonomy Concept) as the specification object of the SpecificationLink.
- User Response: The user must set a specification Concept as the specification object of a SpecificationLink.
- CWUDX0053E: SpecificationObject must be a Concept
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by the following method:
- SpecificationLink.setSpecificationObject(RegistryObject obj)
The user attempted to set a RegistryObject that was not a Concept as the specification object of a SpecificationLink.
- User Response: The user must set a specification Concept as the specification object of a SpecificationLink.
- CWUDX0054E: Invalid escape sequence found during SQL-92 LIKE Processing: <escape sequence>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessQueryManager.findClassificationSchemeByName(Collection findQualifiers, String namePattern)
- BusinessQueryManager.findClassificationSchemes(Collection findQualifiers, Collection namePatterns, Collection classifications, Collection externalLinks)
The user passed a namePattern to one of the above methods which contained an invalid escape sequence.
- User Response: The user should ensure that namePatterns do not contain invalid escape sequences.
- CWUDX0055E: Invalid escape sequence found terminating pattern during SQL-92 LIKE processing: <escape sequence>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by any of the following methods:
- BusinessQueryManager.findClassificationSchemeByName(Collection findQualifiers, String namePattern)
- BusinessQueryManager.findClassificationSchemes(Collection findQualifiers, Collection namePatterns, Collection classifications, Collection externalLinks)
The user passed a namePattern to one of the above methods which contained an invalid escape sequence terminating the pattern.
- User Response: The user should ensure that namePatterns do not contain invalid escape sequences.
- CWUDX0056E: The System property http.proxyPort does not contain a parsable integer: <Value of http.proxyPort property>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The user called the createConnection() method when the System property http.proxyPort contained a String that was not parsable as an integer.
- User Response: The user should ensure that if the System property http.proxyPort is set it contains a parsable integer.
- CWUDX0057W: Taxonomy data file <filename> contains an invalid line: <invalid line>
- Explanation: This message will go to System.err when a Connection is created if a taxonomy data file contains an invalid line.
- User Response: The format of each line is <taxonomy ID><Concept name><Concept value><Concept parent>
- CWUDX0058W: Warning: Unable to locate parentConcept named <parent Concept name> for concept named <Concept name> in taxonomy datafile <filename>
- Explanation: This message will go to System.err when a Connection is created if a taxonomy data file contains an line for a Concept whose parent cannot be located in that file.
- User Response: The user should ensure that a parent exists for each Concept in the taxonomy data file.
- CWUDX0059E: Could not read taxonomy data file: <filename>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in a JAXRException thrown by any of the following methods:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The JAXR provider caught a while attempting to read the taxonomy data file.
- User Response: The user should interrogate the cause IOException of the JAXRException for more information.
- CWUDX0060W: file contains an invalid property value: <property value>
- Explanation: This warning message will go to System.err if the JAXR provider encounters an invalid property value in the file while the Connection is initialized. The JAXR provider will ignore the invalid property, and hence ignore the corresponding taxonomy. Otherwise the JAXR provider will be unaffected.
- User Response: The user should ensure that the file is valid in order to use all taxonomies. The correct format of each line is <taxonomy ID>=<tModelKey>,<data filename>,<separator char>.
- CWUDX0061E: Expecting object of type: <objectType String>. Got object of type: <object class>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by the following method:
- All methods which accept objects of ambiguous type.
The user passed an object to a method that was not expecting an object of that type.
- User Response: The user should only pass objects of the appropriate type to JAXR methods.
- CWUDX0062E: Expecting object of type String or LocalizedString. Got object of type: <object class>
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an UnexpectedObjectException thrown by any of the following methods:
- All query methods which accept a Collection of namePattern objects.
The user passed an object which was not a String or a LocalizedString as a namePattern to a query method.
- User Response: The user should only use Strings of LocalizedStrings as namePattern objects.
- CWUDX0063E: The ConnectionFactory property javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL is not specified
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection(
The user attempted to create a Connection without specifying the javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL ConnectionFactory property.
- User Response: The user must specify the javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL ConnectionFactory property before attempting to create a Connection.
- CWUDX0064E: Unsupported value for the ConnectionFactory property
- Explanation: This is an Exception message. This message may be received in an InvalidRequestException thrown by the following method:
- ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
The user attempted to create a Connection with an invalid value of the ConnectionFactory property.
- User Response: The user should only use a valid vale for this property. Valid values are UDDI_GET_AUTHTOKEN and HTTP_BASIC.