Manually uninstalling on a Solaris system

This procedure uninstalls the WAS product from a Solaris system. After running the uninstaller program, manual steps remove log files and registry entries that can prevent you from reinstalling the product into the original directory. If you are not planning to reinstall, do not uninstall manually.


Before you begin

The uninstaller program removes all profiles, including all of the configuration data and applications in each profile. Before you start the uninstall procedure, back up the config folder, the installableApps folder, and the installedApps folder of each profile, if necessary. See Using command line tools for a description of managing configuration files. Back up all applications that are not stored in another location.

Determine the installation root directory for the product so that you remove the correct product and produce a clean system.



Reinstalling the product into a new directory when files remain from a previous installation can create a coexistence scenario. However, one can delete all files and registry entries to completely remove a WAS product. A clean system lets you reinstall the product into the original directory without coexistence.

Default directories are shown in the following planning table:

Identifier Directory Actual location
install_root /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer  
profiles_install_root /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles  
plug-ins_install_root /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins  
The Installation wizard and the Profile creation wizard let you specify your own locations for installation root directories. Examine the following files to determine the actual locations:

  • The ~/.WASRegistry file identifies the installation root for all installed WAS products.

  • The install_root/logs/wasprofile/wasprofile_create_profile.log file for each created profile identifies the installation location in the stanza with the <method>invokeWSProfile</method> tag.

Uninstalling the product leaves the profiles_root/profile directory with the pctLog.txt file.

Perform the following procedure to produce a clean system.



  1. Log on as root.

  2. Run the uninstaller program for the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server.

    If a Web server is configured to run with the application server, uninstall the plug-ins to remove the configuration from the Web server. See Uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server.

  3. Issue the uninstall command.

    If you have already run the uninstaller program or if one cannot run the uninstaller program, simply skip this step.


    See the description of the uninstall command for more information.

    The Uninstaller wizard begins and displays the Welcome panel.

  4. Use the kill command to kill all Java processes that are running.

    If running Java processes are not related to WAS products and it is not possible to stop them, stop all WAS product-related processes. Use the following command to determine all processes that are running

    ps -ef | grep java
    Stop all WebSphere Application Server-related processes with the kill -9 java_pid_1 java_pid_2...java_pid_n command.

  5. Search for related packages. Type the following command to search for packages for WAS products

    pkginfo | grep WS

    If no packages appear when using these commands, skip the next step. The resulting list of packages has the following format

    application WSBAA60        WebSphere Application Server

  6. Change directories to the directory where package information is registered.

    cd /var/sadm/pkg 

  7. Issue the following command to remove any WebSphere Application Server-related packages.

    pkgrm packagename1 packagename2 packagename3 ...

    Do not remove packages for WebSphere Application Server products that you are not uninstalling. Version 6 package names have a prefix of WSB or WSP and a suffix of 60. WSC package names do not have a suffix of 60.

    Issue the following commands from the /var/sadm/pkg directory to search for and remove any WAS product-related packages that are registered in the /var/sadm/pkg directory:

    1. Change directories to the correct directory: cd /var/sadm/pkg

    2. ls |grep WSB|xargs -i pkgrm -n {} for WebSphere Application Server products

    3. ls |grep WSC|xargs -i pkgrm -n {} for WebSphere Application Server Clients

    4. ls |grep WSP|xargs -i pkgrm -n {} for Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server

    Package names for Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server are


    If there is a problem removing the packages, remove the related package directories in the /var/sadm/pkg directory, including the preremove files. For example, remove the following file before issuing the pkgrm -n WSBAA60 command


  8. Type rm -rf /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ to remove WAS directories in the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer installation root. Do not remove installation root directories for products that you intend to keep. Remove all of the profile directories as well.

  9. Edit the .WASRegistry file.

    The file location is the home directory, ~/.WASRegistry.

    The .WASRegistry file contains a one-line entry for each WAS product installation.

    You can delete the file if there is just one line that identifies the product that you are removing. Otherwise, use a flat-file editor to remove the line that identifies the installation root directory of the product that you are removing. Leave the other lines intact. Do not delete the .WASRegistry file unless you are removing all of the installations listed in the file.

    The following example shows a .WASRegistry file for a system with five installations




This procedure results in having a clean system. We can reinstall into the same directories now. A clean system has no trace of a previously deleted installation.


What to do next

Go to Task overview: Installing to begin planning a new installation.