Uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server
We can uninstall Web server plug-ins for WAS without uninstalling the supported Web server or the Application Server.
Before you begin
This topic describes uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server.
If you used the IBM Key Management wizard to create SSL key files in the Web server Plug-ins home directory, back up the files to a directory outside of the Web server Plugins directory. After the uninstall procedure is complete, one can delete the SSL key files if they are no longer required.
After uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, one can reinstall them using any of the installation procedures described in Installing Web server plug-ins
- Stop the Web server to allow the uninstaller program to change the Web server configuration.
- Open a command window.
- Change directories to the _uninstPlugin directory in the installation root directory of the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server.
This procedure occasionally refers to the installation root directory as the plug-ins_install_root directory.
- Issue the uninstall command. The Uninstall wizard displays a welcome panel.
- Click Next on the Welcome panel. The Uninstaller wizard displays a confirmation panel for you to confirm what is to be uninstalled. Each feature that displays in the panel is a separate Web server installation. Each Web server installation is configured to use one of the binary plug-in modules that is being deleted.
- Click Next on the confirmation panel to begin uninstalling the plug-ins. The Uninstaller wizard displays a summary panel that provides status.
- Click Finish to close the Uninstaller wizard.
Uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WAS removes many files in the installation root directory, but leaves the following logs in the plug-ins_install_root/log/uninstall directory:
ISMP uninstall log log.txt Configuration uninstall log masterConfigurationLog.txt Web server deconfiguration log uninstallWeb_servernamePlugin.log, such as the uninstallApachePlugin.log. - Uninstall the IBM Global Services Kit (GSKit) on Linux and UNIX systems.
The Plug-ins installation wizard does not uninstall GSKit 7 because there is no registry describing products that are enrolled to use the GSKit. Without this critical information, uninstalling the GSKit product might affect other products that use GSKit.
We can uninstall GSKit once it is no longer in use on your systems.
On Solaris systems, also uninstall GSKit 4 in addition to GSKit 7.
- Uninstall GSKit on Windows systems.
The Plug-ins uninstaller program unregisters the GSKit. The registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > IBM > GSK7 > REGAPPS > WASPlugins60_unique_key.
If the registry key WASPlugins60_unique_key is the last remaining key in the GSKit registry entry, the wizard also uninstalls the GSK7 product. If another product, such as IBM HTTP Server, is registered to use GSKit, the wizard does not uninstall the GSKit. The wizard always unregisters the registry key for the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, which is WASPlugins60_unique_key.
The GSKit uninstall log is the plug-ins_install_root/log/uninstall/uninstallGSKit.log file.
- Delete files from the temporary directory.
Delete the following files:
- Install temporary log : temporaryPluginInstallLog.txt
- Uninstall temporary log : temporaryPluginUnInstallLog.txt
- Delete the Web server definition in a stand-alone application server.
The uninstaller program for the Web server plug-ins for WAS does not delete Web server definitions. However, one can delete a Web server definition using the following wsadmin commands:
$AdminTask deleteServer { -serverName webserver1 -nodeName webserver1_node } $AdminTask removeUnmanagedNode { -nodeName webserver1_node } $AdminConfig save
After you exit from the plug-ins_install_root/_uninstPlugin directory, the directory is removed. The only remaining directory is the plug-ins_install_root/logs directory. The logs directory contains the install process log, the uninstall process log, and the Web server creation logs.
Important: The only other files that might exist are the SSL key files that one can create using the IBM Key Management Wizard. We can move these files to a safe location before using the manual uninstalling procedure, if necessary.
What to do next
To reinstall the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, launch the installation procedure again.
To reinstall the Web server plug-ins for WAS into the original directory, delete the existing installation root directory for the plug-ins before reinstalling.
The default location is:
- /usr/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
- /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
- C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins
See Installing Web server plug-ins for information about installation scenarios for reinstalling Web server plug-ins.
See Manually uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server for information about manually uninstalling Web server plug-ins.
See also
Manually uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server