Configure new J2C resource adapters using scripting



  1. Start wsadmin

  2. Identify the parent ID and assign it to the node variable. The following example uses the node configuration object as the parent. You can modify this example to use the cell, cluster, server, or application configuration object as the parent.

    • Jacl:

      set node [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/]

    • Jython:

      node = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/')
      print node

    Example output


  3. Identify the required attributes:

    • Jacl:

      $AdminConfig required J2CResourceAdapter

    • Jython:

      print AdminConfig.required('J2CResourceAdapter')

    Example output:

    Attribute     Type
    name         String

  4. Set up the required attributes:

    • Jacl:

      set rarFile c:/currentScript/cicseci.rar
      set option  [list  RAR1]

    • Jython:

      rarFile = 'c:/currentScript/cicseci.rar'
      option  = '[  RAR1]'

  5. Create a resource adapter:

    Example output:


  6. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node.


See Also

AdminConfig object for scripted administration


See Also

Commands for the AdminConfig object