Recovery and restart


Restarting WebSphere MQ
Restarting after a normal shutdown
Restarting after an abnormal termination
Restarting if you have lost your page sets
Restarting if you have lost your log data sets
Restarting if you have lost your CF structures
Recovering a single queue manager at an alternative site
Fast copy techniques
Recovering a queue-sharing group
CF structure media recovery
Backing up the queue-sharing group at the prime site
Recovering a queue-sharing group at the alternative site
Reinitializing a queue manager
Reinitializing a queue manager that is not in a queue-sharing group
Reinitializing queue managers in a queue-sharing group
Using the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM)
What is the ARM?
ARM couple data sets
ARM policies
Defining an ARM policy
Activating an ARM policy
Registering with ARM
Using ARM in a WebSphere MQ network
Restarting on a different z/OS image with LU 6.2
Restarting on a different z/OS image with TCP/IP
When using clustering
When connecting to a queue-sharing group
Recovering units of work manually
Displaying connections and threads
Active units of work
Unresolved units of work
Recovering CICS units of recovery manually
What happens when the CICS adapter restarts