Storage medium full


A Coupling Facility structure is full.


If a queue structure becomes full, return code MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL is returned to the application.

If the administration structure becomes full, the exact symptoms depend on which processes experience the error, they might range from no responses to CMDSCOPE(GROUP) commands, to queue manager failure as a result of problems during commit processing.

System programmer action

We can use WebSphere MQ to inhibit MQPUT operations to some of the queues in the structure to prevent applications from writing more messages, start more applications to get messages from the queues, or quiesce some of the applications that are putting messages to the queue.

Alternatively we can use XES facilities to alter the structure size in place. The following z/OS command alters the size of the structure:

SETXCF START,ALTER,STRNAME=structure-name,SIZE=newsize

where newsize is a value that is less than the value of MAXSIZE specified on the CFRM policy for the structure, but greater than the current Coupling Facility size.

We can monitor the utilization of a Coupling Facility structure with the DISPLAY CFSTATUS command.