System and default objects
When you create a queue manager using the CRTMQM command, the system objects and the default objects are created automatically.
- The system objects are those WebSphere MQ objects required for the operation of a queue manager or channel.
- The default objects define all the attributes of an object. When you create an object, such as a local queue, any attributes that you do not specify explicitly are inherited from the default object.
The following tables list the system and default objects created by CRTMQM:
- Table 15 lists the system and default queue objects.
- Table 16 lists the system and default channel objects.
- Table 17 gives the system and default authentication information object.
- Table 18 gives the system and default listener object.
- Table 19 gives the system and default namelist object.
- Table 20 gives the system and default process object.
- Table 21 gives the system and default service object.
Table 15. System and default objects: queues Object name Description SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT Event queue for channels. SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE Administration command queue. Used for remote MQSC commands and PCF commands. SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT Event queue for performance events. SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT Event queue for queue manager events. SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE Used by the object authority manager (OAM). SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ Channel initiation queue. SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ The queue that holds the synchronization data for channels. SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE Default CICS initiation queue. SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE The queue used to carry messages to the repository queue manager. SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE The queue used to store all repository information. SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE The transmission queue for all messages to all clusters. SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE Dead-letter (undelivered message) queue. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE Default alias queue. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP Default authentication information definition. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE Default initiation queue. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE Default local queue. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE Default model queue. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE Default remote queue. SYSTEM.MQEXPLORER.REPLY.MODEL WebSphere MQ Explorer reply-to queue. This is a model queue that creates a temporary dynamic queue for replies to the WebSphere MQ Explorer. SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE MQSC command reply-to queue. This is a model queue that creates a temporary dynamic queue for replies to remote MQSC commands. SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE Support deferred messages in JMS.
Table 16. System and default objects: channels Object name Description SYSTEM.AUTO.RECEIVER Dynamic receiver channel. SYSTEM.AUTO.SVRCONN Dynamic server-connection channel. SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN Default client connection channel, used to supply default values for any attributes not specified when a CLNTCONN channel is created on a queue manager. SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSRCVR Default receiver channel for the cluster used to supply default values for any attributes not specified when a CLUSRCVR channel is created on a queue manager in the cluster. SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSSDR Default sender channel for the cluster used to supply default values for any attributes not specified when a CLUSSDR channel is created on a queue manager in the cluster. SYSTEM.DEF.RECEIVER Default receiver channel. SYSTEM.DEF.REQUESTER Default requester channel. SYSTEM.DEF.SENDER Default sender channel. SYSTEM.DEF.SERVER Default server channel. SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Default server-connection channel.
Table 17. System and default objects: authentication information objects Object name Description SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO. CRLLDAP Default authentication information object.
Table 18. System and default objects: listeners Object name Description SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP Default listener for TCP transport. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.LU62 Default listener for LU62 transport. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.NETBIOS Default listener for NETBIOS transport. SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.SPX Default listener for SPX transport.
Table 19. System and default objects: namelists Object name Description SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST Default namelist definition.
Table 20. System and default objects: processes Object name Description SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS Default process definition.
Table 21. System and default objects: services Object name Description SYSTEM.DEFAULT.SERVICE Default service. SYSTEM.BROKER Publish/Subscribe broker.