

  1. WebSphere MQ tasks.

  2. Work management objects

  3. Work management objects created for a queue manager

  4. Authorizations for MQI calls

  5. Authorizations for context calls

  6. Authorizations for MQSC and PCF calls

  7. Authorizations for generic operations

  8. Security authorization needed for MQCONN calls

  9. Security authorization needed for MQOPEN calls

  10. Security authorization needed for MQPUT1 calls

  11. Security authorization needed for MQCLOSE calls

  12. List of possible ISO CCSIDs

  13. Authorization service components summary

  14. Queue manager library names

  15. System and default objects: queues

  16. System and default objects: channels

  17. System and default objects: authentication information objects

  18. System and default objects: listeners

  19. System and default objects: namelists

  20. System and default objects: processes

  21. System and default objects: services