configuration files, AllQueueManagers, stanzas, mqs.ini configuration file, MQSPREFIX, environment variable, environment variables, ConvEBCDICNewline attribute, data conversion, EBCDIC NL character conversion to ASCII, national language support, NL character, EBCDIC conversion to ASCII" />
The AllQueueManagers stanza
AllQueueManagers stanza can specify:
- The path to the qmgrs directory where the files associated with a queue manager are stored
- The path to the executable library
- The method for converting EBCDIC-format data to ASCII format
- DefaultPrefix=directory_name
- The path to the qmgrs directory, below which the queue manager data is kept.
If you change the default prefix for the queue manager, replicate the directory structure that was created at installation time.
In particular, create the qmgrs structure. Stop WebSphere MQ before changing the default prefix, and restart WebSphere MQ only after moving the structures to the new location and changing the default prefix.
As an alternative to changing the default prefix, we can use the environment variable MQSPREFIX to override the
DefaultPrefix for the CRTMQM command.
- EBCDIC code pages contain a new line (NL) character that is not supported by ASCII code pages, although some ISO variants of ASCII contain an equivalent.
Use the ConvEBCDICNewline attribute to specify the method WebSphere MQ is to use when converting the EBCDIC NL character into ASCII format.
- Convert the EBCDIC NL character (X'15') to the ASCII line feed character, LF (X'0A'), for all EBCDIC to ASCII conversions.
NL_TO_LF is the default.
- Convert the EBCDIC NL character according to the conversion tables used on OS/400 for all EBCDIC to ASCII conversions.
Note that the effect of this type of conversion can vary from language to language .
- Specify ISO if you want:
- ISO CCSIDs to be converted using the TABLE method
- All other CCSIDs to be converted using the NL_TO_CF method.
Possible ISO CCSIDs are shown in Table 12.
Table 12. List of possible ISO CCSIDs CCSID Code Set 819 ISO8859-1 912 ISO8859-2 915 ISO8859-5 1089 ISO8859-6 813 ISO8859-7 916 ISO8859-8 920 ISO8859-9 1051 roman8 If the ASCII CCSID is not an ISO subset, ConvEBCDICNewline defaults to NL_TO_LF.