
Managing the broker



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  1. Set up a broker
  2. Broker queues
  3. System queues
  4. Other stream queues
  6. Internal queues
  7. Dead-letter queue
  8. Access control
  9. Backup
  10. Broker configuration stanza
  11. Broker configuration parameters
  12. Controlling the broker
  13. Starting a broker
  14. Using triggering to start the broker
  15. Stopping a broker
  16. Displaying the status of a broker
  17. Adding a stream
  18. Creating a stream queue
  19. Informing other brokers about the stream
  20. Delete a stream
  21. Delete a stream on an isolated broker
  22. Delete a stream on a broker that is part of a network
  23. Adding a broker to a network
  24. Delete a broker from the network
  25. Problems when deleting brokers
  26. Delete a broker that has a child broker
  27. Sequence of commands for adding and deleting brokers
  28. Control commands
  29. clrmqbrk (Clear broker's memory of a neighboring target broker)
  30. dltmqbrk (Delete broker)
  31. dspmqbrk (Display broker status)
  32. endmqbrk (End broker function)
  33. migmqbrk (Migrate broker to WebSphere Business Integration Brokers)
  34. strmqbrk (Start broker function)
  35. Message broker exit
  36. Publish/subscribe routing exit
  37. Parameters
  38. Usage notes
  39. C invocation
  40. Publish/subscribe routing exit parameter structure
  41. Fields
  42. C declaration
  43. Writing a publish/subscribe routing exit program
  44. Limitations on WebSphere MQ work done in the routing exit
  45. Security considerations
  46. Compiling a publish/subscribe routing exit program
  47. Sample routing exit

